Home / Medicine / The typical symptoms of cirrhosis of the liver that cannot be ignored

The typical symptoms of cirrhosis of the liver that cannot be ignored

Характерные симптомы цирроза печени, которые нельзя оставить без вниманияDoctors have told about the one who more than others are at risk of developing cirrhosis of the liver, and also, what are the signs observed in this disease.

Liver cirrhosis is a progressive, destructive liver disease. Statistics show that almost half of patients with cirrhosis asks for help from a doctor not in the early stages of the disease. This is because cirrhosis develops slowly and at first almost does not manifest itself. The symptoms become more noticeable when the disease manages to impress more than half of the liver.

On what grounds can diagnose cirrhosis:

1. A rapid weight loss. If a person is on a diet, then the fat loss should not to embarrass him. But in the case, when his diet has not changed and he wasted away in a matter of weeks, it’s worth it to bother and call the therapist to clarify the possible causes of sudden weight loss.

2. Decreased performance and fatigue. Again, when man sleeps in the day at least 7 hours, but feel tired an hour after waking is not normal. In any case, even if it is not a symptom of cirrhosis of the liver, it may indicate some other disease.

3. Jaundice. Usually in diseases of liver and gall bladder, skin, sclera and mucous membrane of the oral cavity acquire a yellowish tint. Such a modification should frighten people and to force him to undergo an examination in medical institution.

4. Itching. Often, patients with cirrhosis have noted that at some point they started to really scratch the skin. Increases this symptom in the dark, just when people are ready to go to sleep or just relaxing.

5. Excessive swelling — the result of a failure of metabolism in the patient with cirrhosis. Most often swollen upper and lower limbs and face.

6. The increase in the volume of the stomach. Cirrhosis of the liver can swell front wall of the abdomen due to the fact that accumulates inside the liquid.

7. The varicose veins. Moreover, spider veins and spider veins appear not only on the legs, and the stomach.

Most at risk of developing cirrhosis of the liver those who had a viral forms of hepatitis or abuse alcohol. Therefore, the preventive measures are: avoiding alcohol, strengthening the immune system and a healthy lifestyle in General.

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