Home / Medicine / The scientists said, why not boil the water more than once

The scientists said, why not boil the water more than once

Ученые рассказали, почему нельзя кипятить воду больше одного разаIt turns out that re-boil or even heat up once water is not only bad, but dangerous.

The more frequently the water is heated, the more changes the chemical composition of the water.

Boil water more than once is impossible! This is the conclusion of scientists. The fact is that tap water has loads of impurities – from salts to minerals. After heating up the water chemistry is changing, and these modified substances in our body.

Boil water more than once is impossible! This is the conclusion of scientists. The fact is that tap water has loads of impurities – from salts to minerals. After heating up the water chemistry is changing, and these modified substances in our body. The more frequently the water is heated, the more changes the chemical composition of the water.

Be careful: the more you boil the same water, the more dangerous for the health of it becomes, as it formed fluorides, nitrates and arsenic even! Of course, you need to boil water, as boiling disposable eliminates germs. But the repetition of the procedure leads to destruction of nutrients that are in the water, and turn them into dangerous volatile compounds.


The biggest health risk is arsenic, which is added to tap water to kill microorganisms in it. Undoubtedly, the arsenic of repeatedly boiled water is not immediately going to kill a man, but if such water to drink for years, the consequences can be very terrible. Doctors call the following potential diseases: diabetes mellitus, peripheral neuropathy, skin lesions, cancer, disorders in the gastrointestinal tract, cardiovascular diseases, disorders of the kidneys. Consider whether you need to take that risk.


If re-boil water, part of the fluoride turns into fluoride. Scientists have provided that the presence of fluoride in the water can lead to infertility in women, and also cause mental retardation of children.


To us it is hard to imagine life without nitrates, because they’re used extensively in the food industry as preservatives. But the trouble lies in the fact that when exposed to high temperatures in boiling water for nitrates are converted into nitrosamines, which is a direct path to cancer.

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