Home / Oil / The salvation of Russia in the hydrocarbons Report of the scientific Kontorovich

The salvation of Russia in the hydrocarbons Report of the scientific Kontorovich

It became known that the idol of Russian science in the field of Geology and Geochemistry of oil and gas Alexey Kontorovich asked President Vladimir Putin to consider its report, in which it is considering measures to ensure a stable and sustainable oil and gas industry for decades to come.

Спасение России в углеводородах Доклад ученого Конторовича

The bottom line

The content of the report is still unknown, but it is devoted to urgent measures for further sustainable and the most efficient development of oil and gas complex during the XXI century in the framework of the program of re-industrialization of Russia. The academician said that Russian oil and gas sector managed to survive the devastating 1990-ies and, in fact, pulled the country, saved the economy of the new Russia.

On sanctions Alexey Kontorovich spoke also optimistic, noting that the sanctions will not break neither the economy nor the people. He remembered the life of his generation which grew up during the Second world war and the fact that under sanctions of the Soviet and Russian citizens to live in first. These people will not take and will not scare.


It is worth Recalling that a few years after the Second world war the Western world has imposed a number of sanctions against the USSR and then the economy survived thanks to the industry and the large gold reserves.

Спасение России в углеводородах Доклад ученого Конторовича

The concept of creating large databases of gas-oil-extraction in Siberia

The unknown content of the report makes it difficult to draw specific conclusions, but the past statements of the academician be able to capture the essence of the basic ideas of transforming the sector and throughout Russia.

He noted that the region’s oil, gas and coal production — Western and Eastern Siberia, and Yakutia. They provide over 70% of oil, 70% of coal and 90% gas. This is the main power base of Russia. Alexey Kontorovich draws on the work of his teacher — “the concept of creating a large database of gas-oil-extraction in Eastern Siberia”, which he developed in 1987.

So, according to their calculations oil is one of the most profitable goods, the cost of which at different times was below the market price tenfold. In addition, proven reserves so much that reduced intelligence does not affect the extraction.

During the reign of Gorbachev, this concept turned out to be unnecessary. Economists and Ministers considered that the building will be disadvantageous. The mistake was that they calculated the cost of already explored the data, and not from the planned and expected discoveries. As a result, the data proved to be economically unacceptable.

Спасение России в углеводородах Доклад ученого Конторовича

The concept

Development bases in Western and Eastern Siberia will allow to improve the geographic location database of oil and gas production, as well as to ensure energy sovereignty in Eastern Siberia and the Far East. In addition, the transport of million tons of oil, potash to the far East and Pacific countries will allow to create infrastructure on the whole route resources and products of their processing.

The most reasonable way would be to transport oil via the Northern pipeline length of about 700 km with their further transfer to the countries of the Pacific basin. It is also necessary to master the Yenisei river and use the river for transportation by water (the cheapest form of transportation). Refining complex in the lower reaches of the Yenisei river will provide energy to the whole region and the fleet of the Northern seas. This is especially important in the conditions of Arctic exploration.

Scientists have proposed to build oil and helium plants on this route, spend a paved road on the route of the pipelines, and then Railways, but also lead to life center, at which the goods will go to the far East.

Спасение России в углеводородах Доклад ученого Конторовича

First results

The construction of the oil pipeline “Eastern Siberia — Pacific ocean” has been completed. He is already working. Oil companies are embracing Eastern Siberia. There is one problem, which says Kontorovich. The fact that each ton of oil from Eastern Siberia makes 70 cubic meters of dissolved gas, which is suitable for use. But there is no factory for the production of this gas from oil.

Also scientists note that it is necessary to create a joint with the countries-partners of the enterprises on processing oil and gas products. Given the increasingly close relations with China, a possible solution would be the creation of Russian-Chinese refineries.

Kontorovich also notes that the oil contains “greasy gas”, in which a lot of ethane, propane, butane, helium and other elements needed in high-tech industries. For the treatment of gas again, we need specialized production. Important Supplement scientist to produce gas it is necessary in such quantities in which it can be processed in Russia.

Alexey Kontorovich is in a special State Commission on development of Eastern Siberia and the Far East, which was established by presidential decree. He noted that they shall use their best efforts to consider the best current solution.

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