A bystander
Jamon today in Russia it is accepted to call any “excesses” that status is slightly higher than Kartka herring, aspirin and a trip on the tram…
The desire to live humanly today announced soriginalnichat a betrayal of the homeland.
Are fed, clothed, shod? What you still need? War grandfathers ate cake, and you can’t ham?..
What grandparents ate cake, from the point of view of our swinderianus achieves the outbreak of the rapid impoverishment of Russians.
Today, more than half of Russians can’t withstand the crisis and believe that it will be even worse.
And sverkhderzhavnykh calm:
“Prisoedinenie of Crimea to Russia, the growing role of Russia in the world arena, the development of Russia’s economy (including through sanctions), the sense of belonging to a great country – it replaces all the produce is at once taken…”
The concept of “produce” our sverkhderzhavnykh today include natural milk and cheese, and high-quality treatment in private clinics, and rest in Turkey, and other pleasures, which until recently were quite affordable to the middle class.
The middle class, as most thinking is a legitimate hatred of sverkhderzhava. In this thin layer, from their point of view, hiding most rotten liberals. Because the middle class still think it worthwhile, his eyes bulging, a chorus to shout “Crimea is ours” at the command of the Sergeant. And to think not…
In an ideal society the very existence of the middle class seems to sverkhderzhavnykh a luxury. The middle class need to clean up.
There should be only oligarchs and the poor in such types.
And no traitors…