Home / Oil / The Rockefeller Foundation is going to get rid of assets in the oil and coal companies

The Rockefeller Foundation is going to get rid of assets in the oil and coal companies

Фонд Рокфеллеров собирается избавиться от активов в нефтяных и угольных компаниях

Fund of the Rockefeller family (RFF) has announced plans “as soon as possible” to withdraw assets from companies extracting fossil fuels, according to RNS.

“In conditions when the world community is working to get rid of the need to use fossil fuels, it makes no sense — neither from a financial nor ethical to continue to maintain investments in these companies”, — stated in the message Fund.

The Fund also noted that it was necessary to stop development most of the explored stocks of “survival of the ecosystem”.

Earlier it was reported that the heirs of Disney and the Rockefeller Foundation is being asked to raise taxes for the millionaires of new York.

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