Brent crude on London exchange ICE fell on Thursday, March 31, more than one percentage point, reaching 38,86 USD per barrel. A barrel of U.S. WTI fell by 1.2 percent and traded at 37,84 USD. This is evidenced by data exchange.
Falling prices in the commodities market due to publication of data the U.S. Department of energy, under which commercial oil reserves in the country rose last week by 2.3 million barrels and reached 534,8 million barrels.
This is less than expected, according to the estimates of experts who expected an increase of 3.3 million barrels. Nevertheless, the oil reserves in the U.S., updating the historical maximum seven weeks in a row.
On March 28, the report of the audit chamber of Russia became aware of the fact that oil and gas revenues to the Federal budget of Russia for two months in 2016 fell almost 32 percent compared to the same period last year. They amounted to 687,68 billion.