Home / Oil / The price of Brent crude exceeded $ 44

The price of Brent crude exceeded $ 44

Цена Brent превысила 44 доллара

The price of oil Brent on London exchange ICE has exceeded $ 44 per barrel. As of 18:30 GMT, the benchmark brand has risen to 44,20 USD. This is according to the trading platform.

Brent rose by 3.1 percent compared with the end of the session on April 11. April 12, bidding began at 42,65 USD per barrel.

Against the background of rising oil prices continues the strengthening of the ruble. The dollar fell to 65,67 ruble, Euro to 74,91. Official courses 13 April — 66,35 and 75.85 per ruble respectively.

Earlier, on April 1, the Saudi Prince Muhammad bin Salman said that the Kingdom is preparing for “the twilight of the oil age.” He also said that the country plans to create a sovereign Fund with a volume of two trillion dollars. The money will be used to get rid of oil dependence.

In addition, Muhammad bin Salman said that Saudi Arabia is ready to freeze the oil only if similar measures will be Iran. This statement led to the collapse in oil prices.

April 17 in the Qatari capital of Doha to meet the largest oil producers. They will discuss the issue of freezing the production. Saudi Arabia, Qatar, Russia and Venezuela have agreed to limit production to the level of January of the current year. Also expressed their willingness to join the agreement Ecuador, Algeria, Nigeria, Oman, Kuwait, UAE.

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