Home / Money / The optimum salary for a husband should be?

The optimum salary for a husband should be?

Оптимальная зарплата для мужа должна быть какой?

Many wives will say that the more the better. But it’s not.

When the man earns too much, there is a lot of young, beautiful and smart women dream to destroy your family and You.

As the saying goes: “the Wife not a wall – and you can push”.

Again a lot of money and generate a great temptation. Children understand that they have the father’s capital for life and grow up a dunce, relatives are bombarded from morning till night asking for help. Old friends, not show, but at heart are jealous and are not as much as before, and the new, it is rather business partners, not friends.

Somewhere must be a happy medium.

My opinion, is from 100 to 200 thousand rubles a month.

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