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The opening is not far off

In the yard in April. Hunters again have the worries and cares: who, where, how and at what types, what terms, can you guess from the opening, where tours to take, etc. After just ten days, and must be at least sixteen, But until that issue is decided.

What will be the limitations? How to solve the issue about hunting for duck: decoy or Scarecrow? In Voronezh, for example, the stuffed animal was left in the law.

I have touched on this subject more than once, was even the answer of chefredakteure Newspapers S. Yu. Fokin. The point is that only hunting with a decoy is a traditional and will encourage the breeding of decoy. Hunters should try to ensure hunters ducks. But are there many such users? And when they appear, then one must speak about the prohibition of stuffed animals.

And unless hunting with stuffed spring and fall is not traditional for Russia? (See L. P. Sabaneev, L. T. Aksakov, etc.) And to encourage the breeding of ducks semolina should not by coercion, but by promoting such hunting. The conditions and tactics of the hunt, as with a Scarecrow, and manna duck the same, but for “the Taxidermist” art lure. Importantly, to wander the land in the spring of neither one nor the other imply.
This campaign is fueled mostly “green” and “zabugornye” of AEWA (the analogue of the sanctions policy). In the West for six months there is a lawlessness in the hunt, regardless of the types and norms of shooting at our feathered, shoot everything that flies and floats in the cleaning of land by dogs.

We have learned to deny, but to come to any business with the mind — not so much. Let the summer-autumn hunting of all birds solved only dog owners of certain breeds with pedigrees, and the Fox and hare with hounds only. And that, in this case, the number of dogs of pure blood will increase?

What about petropit rusack on the first or fresh powder? Remember, as V. Bianchi boy sang: “the Legs from the heels back in front, from the front of the heels behind!”

To prohibit and punish sloppiness is necessary and reasonable traditions adopted over the centuries and a wide range of hunters, it is necessary to keep and maintain.

Poaching is long over throw the fight, but we must start not with cultural hunter with a dummy and a decoy, and with a series of boorish manifestations of this evil. This helicopter and all-terrain vehicles, which is the fire of the wise and foolish calibers. This hunting closed in hunting for all the time, in prohibited areas, when greed loot and much more. I’m not talking about ordinary arrows that shoot at anything that flies or swims, and to the question: “what are you swallows prevented?”, answers: “Need ammo to shoot!”

And all this diverse mess not prosecuted, not punished, but often discovering this disorder is subjected to all sorts of persecution. And the state to such violations and of the laws and ethics of hunting is not responding.

Public hunting organization with its members could work together with government agencies to organize the control and protection of the land, but the first set almost outside the law, and the latter really exist. In the old days raids the social inspectors for hunting grounds in support of gosoboronzakaza always had effect and were a menace for violators of hunting regulations.
The subject of rampant poaching, the subject of many publications, including “the HORN”, and things are there. We need clear and decisive action and, accordingly, changes in the law.
Something else to add to the above? Ban hunting of duck in the spring with a dummy and a decoy of the problems of spring hunting will not solve, but only exacerbate. Any dummy any a decoy (even electronic) in a well-functioning manna duck will not convince Drake to fly to the Scarecrow. Therefore, productivity in the hunt with a Scarecrow is always lower than with a live duck, and consequently, the damage to wildlife less Drake more likely to remain intact. But hunter’s sensations and adrenaline will also be enough.

Comments from S. Y. Fokin: “Who can blame the old hunter… That made a blind, marooned in effigy, pokraka, took Drake. Felt spring, received a charge of vivacity”. But if a decision is made about hunting only with the infiltrator, all to cut under one comb.

But the hunters decoy owners really do need to provide some benefits in terms of spring hunting (like dog owners in the summer when hunting swampy-meadow game). For example, earlier the period of arrival, and here is how to consider and monitor decoy owners, need to think. Maybe in clubs of fans of decoy, which is almost there, and on the ground through the primary hunting organization. And to hunters interested in this, need to “stretch” the terms of hunting with decoy, I fully agree with S. Y. Fokin (see “HORN” № 5, 2016).
In conclusion, I would suggest hunting on the spring not to plant a lot of stuffed animals, the more manna duck, as advised by some authors (up to two dozen). After all, we prey on lone drakes, and sit tight flock krakusa, wigeons, or Teal. As in this mass will need to get out, not to touch the duck? Half a dozen of stuffed animals I planted in the autumn, on the stairs.
Most of the hunters say that in the spring they go for aesthetics and contact with nature, not lesozagotovke. So let’s take this rule to adhere to!

R. S. When I see pictures of piles of bat bird, makes me nervous. Well, when some natives are harvesting the produce for the long winter, and we’re supposed to be civilized people, very wealthy, judging by the equipment and the opportunity to travel around the country to hunting areas. Then will spoil and throw away, but need to beat, to not carry the ammo back. Some new obsession, or these actions are worthy of the other characteristics?

What kind of esthetics, only an unhealthy adrenaline! Therefore, the opponents of hunting are motivated.

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