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The North pole shifting to the East

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Scientists have been observing the displacement of the geographic poles of the Earth. Recently, however, they noticed that the North pole began to move faster than normal. In addition, he changed his direction and began to shift to the East.

Over displacement of the North pole, scientists have been watching for 115 years. Previously, he shifted to the side of Canada at a speed of 7-8 inches per year. During the entire period of observations, the North pole has shifted by 12 meters. However, NASA scientists noticed that in 2000 the pole has dramatically changed course and began to shift towards the UK. The speed of it increased and amounted to 17 centimeters per year, which is twice the previous one. “Changing the course of movement of the geographic poles of the twentieth century very much,” said Surendra Adhikari from the jet propulsion Laboratory of NASA.

The reason for the displacement in the melting of glaciers?

The study showed that the cause of the acceleration of the displacement of the poles is melting glaciers in Greenland and in Western Antarctica, while increased the weight of the glaciers in its Eastern part. Since 2003, Greenland has lost an average of over 272 trillion kilograms of ice a year, West Antarctica — 124 trillion kilograms of ice a year. At the same time, East Antarctica is gaining annually 74 trillion kg of ice, which could not be reflected in the shift of the poles.

Северный полюс смещается на восток

In addition, the reduced amount of water in the Caspian sea region and the Indian subcontinent that also affected the rate of displacement. Scientists called this trend alarming. Researchers believe that to this state of Affairs has led to the warming climate. “It’s just another interesting effect of climate change,” said Jianli Chen, senior research associate, Center for space research at the University of Texas.


The melting of ice in Greenland in recent times does come with catastrophic speed. So the Greenland glaciers have recently become a particular object of attention of scientists. To assess the scale of this phenomenon has allowed regular monitoring of the ice cap of the island. Scientists believe that if will melt all the ice of Greenland, this could raise global sea level by seven meters.

Melting glaciers in turn related to climate warming. For the last time in Greenland, average temperatures have risen on half a degree Celsius. According to the estimates of climate scientists from different organizations, 2015 is recognized as the warmest in history of meteorological observations. 2016 also puts the record warming. Climatologists have noted that this trend will continue.

Version of the official science blame people

One of the main causes of global warming scientists believe that anthropogenic factor. Chemical emissions from factories lead to a large concentration of carbon dioxide on the planet, which leads to the greenhouse effect. The gradual warming of the average temperatures lead our planet to a catastrophic condition which could lead not only to warming, but also a change of poles.

The topic of global warming every day more and more worried about the minds of scientists. Recent studies have shown that the average temperature in the Northern hemisphere for the first time in the history of mankind has exceeded pre-industrial levels to two degrees Celsius.

Mark two degrees was conditional threshold, above which climate scientists considered to be critical. In 2014, the UN Secretary-General ban Ki-moon called on world leaders to prevent climate warming more than two degrees compared to pre-industrial levels. Exceeding of this value threatens humanity with irreversible consequences, said the Secretary General.

While NASA scientists do not hurry to recognize such changes problematic, equating the drift to the poles “yet another interesting effect of climate change”. However, changes on the surface of the planet, as it turned out, could seriously affect the planet’s rotation around its axis.

Северный полюс смещается на восток


Some scientists believe that our planet has already been shifts of poles, which led to major disasters. In 1974, an engineer and researcher Flavio Barbiero suggested that the shift of the poles occurred 11 thousand years ago, and was reflected in the mythology of “the destruction of Atlantis and the continent Mu”. The scientist believes that the disappeared Atlantis must be sought under the Antarctic ice shield. In 1970-1980 the Chic reporter Ruth Montgomery published a series of books in which connected all predicted by Edgar Cayce disasters exactly with the pole shift.

Anyway, in order to avoid cataclysms person needs to change their attitude to our planet. Predatory international capital doesn’t care about the health of our Planet, our common home, the Earth. This is a problem all earthlings.

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