Home / Auto / The noise of the highway is bad for the heart – scientists

The noise of the highway is bad for the heart – scientists

Шум автотрассы плохо влияет на сердце, - ученыеLife near a busy highway is injurious to health.

According to a study of German journalists, living near a noisy highway or railroad may increase the risk of heart attacks.

These findings they have analyzed the data on deaths by disease for 2014-2015. Experts have compared the mortality rates by place of residence of the victims.

It turned out that many of them lived in the areas most exposed to noise pollution such as airports, highways, train station. Accordingly, the reporters found that the high concentration of noise can adversely affect human health and increase the risk of heart attack.

The experts once again emphasized the issue of noise pollution, which is most relevant now in major cities and Metropolitan areas. They argue that it is necessary to take various measures against noise in order to protect the inhabitants of large settlements

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