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The most effective ways to speed up metabolism

Самые эффективные способы ускорения метаболизма People who can eat whatever they want, whenever they want, and it does not get better – very little.

Most of us are not perfect metabolism. But that eaten per day were burned calories faster, you need a little help your body.Eat Breakfast your Metabolism slows at night, when we don’t use food for 9-12 hours. And when you refuse Breakfast, you signal your metabolism, so it does not stepped up, continued to sleep, the body decides that he needs to save his energy before entering the food. Breakfast also stimulates the metabolism, pointing out that it is time to begin their work.

Drink green tea

Green tea is a storehouse of nutrients. But the main thing – in green tea contains polyphenols, which purify the liver, helping the body rid itself of toxins and thermogenics – substances which have the property to burn fat by providing the metabolism work more efficiently.

Eat carefully

Focus not on WHAT you eat and HOW you do it. The process of digestion begins the moment you smell the food, which is going to have. So do not bite, staring at the computer monitor, did not eat dinner in front of the TV and do not eat Breakfast with the newspaper or magazine in front of the plate. Focus on the process of eating, eat slowly and chew.

Consider the details of the diet

A variety of products, of course, necessary to our organism. However, for Breakfast, you can make an exception. Metabolism will reward you if you every morning eat oat porridge. And not to be bored, use the additive in the form of fruit, yogurt. Freshly squeezed juice in the morning is also welcomed (you can retabulate water if it’s too sweet).

Burn fat exercise

At what time in the morning or evening – you will exercise, is not very important. Although morning exercise helps to start the body build and the level of endorphins, which the whole day will provide positive emotions and good mood. But, on the other hand, in the region of 6 PM as muscle tone, thus less likely to get tension or injuries in sports. Besides, at this time the body is at the peak of vigor, and this means that calories are burned faster. The more you exercise, the more muscle mass increases, so reduced fat. The more muscle you have, the more active metabolism as calories are consumed to build muscle, not fat accumulation.


You have no time for walking or exercising? Use the available methods. For example, do not use the lift at home and at the office. If your office or apartment is too high, it can be a few floors to climb stairs, and others in the Elevator. Accessible by Elevator, and down the stairs. Similarly, with public transport – at least a couple of stops to home or work every day to walk. Metabolism will always reward you in the form of significantly postroynevshaya shape and good mood.

Do not ignore the vitamins and minerals

Calcium, zinc, selenium speed up the metabolism and stimulates the lymphatic system. Consult your physician, nutritionist or fitness trainer what vitamins are right for you.

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