Home / Money / The Ministry of economic development suggested, when the Russians will stop to save

The Ministry of economic development suggested, when the Russians will stop to save

В Минэкономразвития предположили, когда россияне перестанут экономить

Have to wait very long – needs improvement feel next year, the macroeconomic forecast of Ministry of economic development until 2019, approved by the government of the Russian Federation.

In conditions of difficult economic situation and reduction of incomes of the population will limit the current consumption.

In 2016 will continue the reduction of retail trade turnover (-2,7 %) and paid services (a-0.7 %). With the growth of real disposable income and wages is expected to gradually withdraw from the savings patterns of behavior and the restoration of consumer activity, the document says.

According to the Ministry, the level of savings of Russians in March of this year, made new high, reaching 15.7 % of disposable income. The population continues to optimize their costs, deferring an increasing proportion of income as savings.

It should be noted that in the forecasts the government is based on the preservation of sanctions against Russia by the US and the EU. This significantly limits the access of Russian companies to the international capital market.

What about risks for the Russian economy, they can be associated with internal lack of financial resources and difficulty borrowing, as well as the insufficient effectiveness of their use or possible restrictions on investing in certain industries (due to sanctions).

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