Home / Oil / The meeting of the countries-manufacturers of oil can pass 17 April in Doha

The meeting of the countries-manufacturers of oil can pass 17 April in Doha

Встреча стран-производителей нефти может пройти 17 апреля в Дохе

The meeting of member countries of OPEC and of the oil producers can pass on 17 April in Doha, capital of Qatar.

In mid-February of the current year in the Qatari capital Doha, Ministers of oil of Saudi Arabia, Qatar, Venezuela, included in OPEC and Russian energy Minister Alexander Novak held talks on improving the price situation on the oil market. The parties expressed their willingness to save, on average, in 2016 oil production at the level of January of the current year, if other countries-oil producers will join this initiative. On 17 February in Tehran passed negotiations of Ministers of oil of Iran, Venezuela, Iraq and Qatar, which, in turn, discussed the possibility of “freezing” the level of oil production. Post-sanctions Iran seeks to rebuild its market share and expects that OPEC and other major manufacturers will offer a special program of increasing production and exports. Recently the Minister of oil of Iran Bijan Namdar Zanganeh said that Iran will discuss with the largest oil producers freeze their prey only when its level in the country will reach 4 million barrels a day. According to him, as long as the country has not reached this level of production, other countries-oil producers should leave Iran alone.

Iranian officials have repeatedly stated that they do not intend to be subjected to sanctions after having left from under them. By April of the current year in the Islamic Republic plans to increase oil production from 2.8 million barrels to 3.6 million barrels per day versus last year. By the end of March 2016 Iran is expected that the exporting country of oil will reach 2 million barrels per day.

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