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The man who invented the game of Mafia

Человек, придумавший игру в  Мафию

Looked luxurious movie “Mafia. The game of survival”. He was released on 1 January, our production. Filmed with a truly Hollywood scale, the plot dominates fashionable in world cinema sadism painful. In General, the Prime Minister should appeal to all, especially to those who like to play mafia (that is, in particular, the players of the national team of Russia on football, for example).

There at the beginning of the film mentions “the Creator of the GAME – the most popular television of the future”, I’m in the hall was tense – but it showed only the actor portraying one of the characters. I was a shame! The fact that I’m a real “game maker” I personally know is my classmate, Dima Davydov. More precisely, in our circle 17-18 year-old teenagers who have just received psypack MSU, overcoming competition 11 people in place, it took place under the code name “Dmitry Anatolich”.

I have already talked about this our community – real us “with the middle name” were about 6-7, all boys. We now, for the sake of importance, spoke to each other – by You and by name and patronymic. Davydov, however, the name acquired later – say, on set of merits; it was obseity, and we initially started all this among freshmen-“Muscovites”.

Here Davydov game “mafia” and had invented. And the first time it played in our hostel – Daza, psikhicheskikh floors. It was there she began to spread around the world. I, therefore, was among the first players in the “mafia” on planet Earth; hell, it sounds! All thanks to Dmitry Anatolich.

It’s now “game mafia”, according to Wikipedia, “is recognized as one of “the 50 most historically and culturally significant games that have appeared since 1800”. It is played by American, Japanese and Chinese schoolchildren and students. Also it is popular among players of different teams (I’ve already mentioned the football team). And in 1984, when we all learned in the first year, played just us! Only in Daza!

Vicky writes – a sin not to quote: “Researchers identify two types of games: the competition (fight) and performance (masquerade). “Mafia” successfully combines elements of both types. It’s time to show, and the struggle for survival. Unlike cards, this game is not related to money, unlike Golf, does not require financial costs, unlike football — a good physical training. Most importantly, it brings much valued intellectual pleasure”.

Davydov connected with my most vivid memory of my military leave: after serving nearly a year and a half, I arrived in Moscow for 10 days (then served two years). Dimka, though the same age as me, at this time still heroically kept “on course”, by various clever ways managing to escape from the messengers of the military. That is, I (and almost all of us) have raked in immediately after the first course, and he managed to hold out for the entire second and even studied at the third.

And here we meet at Daza: I type with only six months of service, and Anatolic, it looked like some sort of Russian version of “blond beasts” (natural blue-eyed blond, taller than me, death to all the girls in the Dorm) is still a “schoolboy”, a deliberate hiding from the army “on to victory”. I sympathize with the soul in his this feat, but, on the other hand, want to show off, they say, knowingly I was there, in the Arctic the polar bears are riding… (though actually in vain, of course). Davydov immediately shook my strikingly accurate question. Just as I was about telling him something about the “heavy army everyday life”, as he was ahead of me, “Well what possessed you of this… as it is… military specialty?” Question the nail on the head. Feel – no, to show off will not work. Around girls stand and listen in awe. “Yeah well…” – pull it with doubt. “Well let’s make it simple – offers Davydov. That’s how much time I you could teach what you learned there for a year and a half?”

Disarmed! I honestly figured and admitted, “Well, I think half an hour would be enough.” And all in unison screamed.

In General, Davydov was certainly one of the most prominent figures at the faculty. However, the army still hooked – in my opinion, already in the spring session. Evil voenkomata such “slippery” didn’t love him, they sent him somewhere immediately to the far East. The third course was not allowed to finish! He army about their successes for some reason to tell you not loved – but served only a year. How I did it, I know.

And then off to America – still in the Soviet Union! Married well – to Daw, and also with my course. Her to USA to study sent, on exchange, and he went with her as her husband. Such things only in the burn Realignment could happen! Since then, in America, and lives. I only Daws and know she periodically comes, tells.

Generally striking destiny, of course. Man invented a Game that is really played by millions of people on the planet. Not only us – here’s what’s especially cool. Contributed to international Entertainment. It’s all very English – that is unselfish. Gift! Jackdaw practical girl, and she attracted me – to figure out a way with such “inventions” to make something. Not making this up! How here earn? Would this game at least… But no. For it do not need anything but a deck of cards, but generally, by and large, and the cards do not need too. Doesn’t need anything – the rules only need to know. The game is brilliant in his external simplicity.

Such people because we have almost none at all. Our Russia because, hand on heart, in the world almost hopelessly provincial: little – almost not at all, something original. What after all Muscovites in the province usually turn up your nose and die of boredom? Yes, because they can not in the province to find nothing that was not in Moscow, and better, bigger and higher quality.

And for the world, and Moscow itself – the same blank periphery, where most dozhevyvala that in the actual capitals have long been chewed and spat out. It’s sad, but it’s a fact. But there is but the “Mafia”. Trifle – but OUR product. Some no, but intellectual labor. And known all over the world!

In the normal state Davydova would have raised the shield. Would show everywhere, shook hands, stressed out Russia’s “priority.” On our bezrybe! I do not care that he has a family in America and he is there for the last 25 years living. Sharapova-too stupid to be proud of.

And Dimka, maybe better than Sharapova if you think about it. Because that’ll knock Yes retire; and the MOB will remain.

Still, a pity that we care at all.


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