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The main signs of thyroid problems

Названы главные признаки проблем с щитовидной железойTo prevent hormonal imbalance, watch for these signs.

Hormones play an important role in the functioning of the body. They control many processes and functions, for example: how often do you go to the toilet, how quickly grow your hair, how does the physical cycle in women. It is important to observe that there was a hormonal failure, because it is bad for health.

Here are 11 signs that you may have problems with the hormones. First, let’s talk about the symptoms caused by thyroid problems:

1. You go to the toilet “by and large” more or less often than usual

If you start to suffer from constipation or disorders, it may be due to the fact that not enough thyroid hormones, or Vice versa, you have an overabundance of them. This is because thyroid hormones are able to force the authorities to work faster or slower when the failure occurs.

2. Your eyes look bigger

If you notice these changes in yourself, then it may be a symptom of an autoimmune disease, when the eyes seem bigger because the tissues behind the eye are inflamed.

3. Your hair stopped growing

The reason for this phenomenon could also be a malfunction of the thyroid gland. It is responsible for hair growth, so these changes are quite likely.

4. You become forgetful

A low level of thyroid hormones control metabolism that affects brain function. Most often this affects the memory.

5. Is your skin dry

Flaky, dry skin can also be a symptom of hypothyroidism. When the thyroid gland produces less hormones, slows down metabolism of the skin leading to its dryness.

The signs of a failure caused by diabetes:

6. You began to pick up many infections

Diabetes increases the level of glucose in the blood, and the fungi that cause these infections like sugar. Diabetes is often asymptomatic and can last for many years.

7. Do you often go to the toilet “on-small”

This may be due to the high level of glucose in the blood, because the pancreas is not functioning correctly. Your kidneys work overtime to get rid of the excess sugar.

The signs of a failure due to pregnancy:

8. Your gums often bleed

Soon after conception the level of progesterone increases sharply, to keep the body from failure of pregnancy. Progesterone increases the flow of blood, encouraging your body to retain water in the body, including in the gums, which become swollen. It is best to talk with your dentist and gynecologist if you are pregnant.

9. Swollen feet

Again you can refer to progesterone. Feet swell and get bigger.

10. You have a metallic taste in the mouth

Guilty here is another hormone, human chorionic gonadotropin, which begins to produce an embryo. The higher the level of this hormone cause nausea and vomiting, which leads to a metallic taste in my mouth. To avoid this, you can try to boil ginger root and make tea with him. Can also help lemon water.

11. You have dark spots on the skin

Also known as melasma. These spots appear on the cheeks, chest and other areas. All because of the increase of estrogen in the body, because it increases the level of skin pigmentation.

If you notice that at least one of these symptoms is frequent and persists, you should consult a doctor to find out why!

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