Home / Economy / The IMF revealed that the losses suffered in the economy of Syria because of the war

The IMF revealed that the losses suffered in the economy of Syria because of the war

В МВФ раскрыли, какие потери понесла экономика Сирии из-за войны

Analysts of the International monetary Fund said that Syria is to restore the country’s infrastructure after five years of war will need $200 billion, reports RIA Novosti.

According to experts, to restore the military conflict destroyed the infrastructure of the Syrian Republic will take $100-200 billion And this figure can only increase.

Note that the gross domestic product of Syria in 2010 was $104 billion Over the five years of war, this figure has decreased by 57% to us $63.7 billion, said the IMF experts.

Financiers have paid attention to the reduction of other important indicators. Thus, the number of people living below the poverty line has increased to 83% from 12.5%.

Extremist group ISIL, which is prohibited in Russia, and controls about half of Syrian territory. It is in this area produced a significant portion of hydrocarbons in the country.

Due to the fact that most of the oil infrastructure came under the control of ISIS in Syria has decreased oil production by 98%.

During the war, inflation in the country grew by 300%, imports fell by 40%, international reserves decreased by 80%.

We will remind, the conflict in Syria began in March 2011. During this time he killed 220 thousand people. The government of the Republic fighting with various extremist groups, the most numerous – the “Islamic state” and “Dzhebhat EN-Nusra”, whose activities are banned in Russia and several countries of the world.

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