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The imagination of gamblers from the sport shakes more

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I can’t close the topic of doping. Thought she was already completely exhausted itself, but no. We missed one point, our space.

Explain. In the news on this subject and our editions can be seen a kind of synchronicity, amazing coincidence. On 13 October we went on a canadian athlete, who explained the presence of cocaine in his analysis that he kissed a girl who was drunk and that he was not. And we made some tips to the distinguished audience, but they were designed for those who have a partner. Not in the sense of a geopolitical partner, and the partner in the sense of… well, you understand. And if the person is alone? This advice will not help him, there must be something else.

And the answer came from Norway. There on the same day, October 13, published an article about the Norwegian athlete, who also was found a prohibited substance, but it also managed to explain it. In analyses of two-time winners of the world Cup ski racing Teresa Johaug found clostebol. This compound belongs to anabolic steroids.

But the ski Federation of Norway explained the origin of the signs of anabolic use, from sunburn on the lips. It is well absorbed through the skin and lips licked by chance, so what? A doctor who works with skier, confirmed that doping was found due burn cream, and stated that the athlete “fundamentally decent man”.

You already understand the direction of thought, dear athletes.

First, if you have found something, and you have no partner, blame everything on creams, shampoos, varnishes. Gum can be there too. In the end, just take the package of any food product and shake it in front of the accusers: that, they say, how any chemicals in our food, look at the composition, all chemical names could not pronounce.

Second, push on the honesty or pity. Or both.

And now correcting our past mistake. Try to predict what will be their next move. Version were. Version with cream was. But that’s all the contact options. Hence, we can assume that more will be contactless. For example – I breathe any banned substances, and they hit the blood. Where took? Yes, anywhere: the drugstore, the hospital, drove by the plant for the production of pipettes. With this approach, any option will do. And justification easier. Dialogue with the anti-doping agencies will be something like this: “Took? – No. – Not guilty”.

You’ll see. When you play with the Sharpie on your every card he has up his sleeve will be the Joker.

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