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The global war trust

Мировая война против доверия


Мировая война против доверияThe main result of the G20, at least in regard to Russia, that Putin failed to resolve any significant question. Neither the sanctions, nor in Syria, nor in Ukraine.


The main reason for total failure of Putin sounded in the comments of Barack Obama after their bilateral meeting on the sidelines of the G20, where the us President explained why they failed to agree on Syria. “There is a breach in trust, and we have not filled the gap”.


Formally, the outlines of this breach it is for the Syrian issue, Barack Obama stated: “We’re back to a situation where Assad is bombing with impunity, what strengthens the position of “dzhebhat an-Nusra”, helping her to recruit new supporters”. This, of course, not the entire volume of the gaps, and not even a small part of it.


The present diameter of the holes in the trust that Putin could you dig up for 17 years, his “rowing in the galleys,” to measure is difficult. Perhaps it’s not even a dent, and General degradation and pathology of trust as the basis, without which it is impossible to build any relations, political and economic.


The main problem is that Putin lies all the time. Lied that Russian troops were not in Crimea. Then he himself denied this lie, but continues to lie that the Crimea itself, without any pressure held a referendum in accordance with international law. Lies that in the Donbass no Russian military, and Russia not to deliver arms, and the Ukrainian army fighting miners and tractor, bought artillery and armored vehicles in a rural grocery store. Lying about what “LDNR” and Russia does not have any relation to the death of Malaysian “Boeing”. Lies that the Russian HQs are only bombing ISIS terrorists.


Putin’s lie became one of the major global challenges of the early 21st century. All politicians of the world know that Putin lies all the time. React differently. The country, which occupies the ninth part of the solid surface of the planet, impossible to ignore, even if it is very nasty to deal with its leader. Someone like Obama lowers the bar to the level of the Kerry – Lavrov.


Someone like British Prime Minister Theresa may, Putin publicly demonstrates his attitude, “forgetting” to shake his hand before the cameras. Tales that lady who is in politics for 30 years, so confused at the sight of a great PU that “forgot” about the Protocol, let Valuev tells piggy and Stepashka in the program “good night, kids!”.


Someone like Prime Minister of Japan, Shinzo Abe, is trying to find points of compromise on one of the most painful for my country, the issue of the Kuril Islands.

And inevitably gets on the rear naked choke, which is called “bilateral agreement to increase confidence. Like much of what Putin says, the word “trust” in his mouth sounded mocking. But this is the gist: Putin leads his world war with confidence from the standpoint of a fundamentally different understanding of these relations. How does “trust in Putin” can be seen on the example of his bilateral talks with Shinzo Abe.


Putin said the following. First, Russia does not sell territories. Secondly, he said that he recognized the 1956 Declaration, in which the Soviet Union was ready to transfer to Japan of Shikotan and Hamoba. Thirdly, we need lengthy negotiations. Fourth, the solution must be a compromise. Fifth, and foremost, the “high level of confidence. And this “high level” Japan needs to earn the exit of Western sanctions over Crimea and Donbas, as well as recognition of Russia’s zone of influence in the former Soviet space.


The man who reading the paragraphs two, four and five, ask where in the performance does the first paragraph about the fact that Russia does not sell the territories, just does not understand the technique of strangulation with the help of “increase confidence”.


Strategy world war Putin’s trust is to transfer relations with all relevant for Russia countries – bilaterally, on the principle: “you scratch my back and I’ll scratch yours”.

Moreover, for Putin these bilateral and informal relations will certainly end up definitely falling into the usual clientelism. It is the clientelism as the basis, the main substrate of the Russian social fabric is the social basis of corruption.


It was he, my dear, so familiar to Putin from the time of the service Opera in the St. Petersburg KGB, and then in Dresden residency, as a result, recruitment is always the establishment of patron-client relations. In the groove of clientelism from the beginning entered his relationship with Sobchak. Then, when the status of Putin has changed, he continued to build relationships with everybody from the position of cartridge: “pen return”, the “torment swallowing dust,” etc clientelistic relations with post-Soviet countries seem fair to Putin, and he can not understand that neither the elites nor the people of these countries are not ready to recognize him as their patron.


A major producer of trust in the modern world steel organization. The biggest “factory” of trust on the planet today is the European Union. This international organization has created in Europe a cocoon unprecedented in the history of the trust, by abolishing border duties, currency, removing the differences in the laws, and covered this warm blanket of half a billion people.


Putin, together with the international terrorism became the main enemy of the European Union and trust as the main produce of the EU product. And if ISIS destroys the European trust, forcing to make a choice between security on the one hand and trust and freedom of citizens on the other, Putin, capitalizing on these threats, supported by populist forces in Europe range from left-wing eurosceptics to extreme right-wing nationalists. And I must say, something of this tandem, Putin and ISIS, it turns out…


Putin is not an ideologue, so it will not write a book: “My struggle with trust.” And he clearly does not consider its activities in such categories. But if such a book appeared, there would be two parts. First, prior to 2014, the destruction of institutions and organizations, producing trust within the country. This, above all, independent media, since the basis of trust is transparency of the company, accurate and objective information about what happens in it. The next victim was the Parliament and the whole sphere of public policy, an independent judiciary. Then was destroyed the confidence in the economy due to the fact that it was eliminated the principle of the inviolability of private property. Clientelism, which flourished in the nineties, in zero was just the only way the device of the Russian society.


Destroying confidence in the country, Putin started this war on the world with confidence on the planet. Chances to win this war, it does not. The chance to bring other countries into trouble of different sizes, there are. The chances to ruin his own country, is very high.

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