Home / Game / The first 7 minutes of a remastered Call of Duty: Modern Warfare with better graphics

The first 7 minutes of a remastered Call of Duty: Modern Warfare with better graphics

Первые 7 минут переиздания Call of Duty: Modern Warfare с улучшенной графикойSales of Call of Duty: Modern Warfare Remastered will start on 6 November.

Remember in Call of Duty: Modern Warfare mission on the ship? There at the end still had to skedaddle from a sinking ship. Now, Activision has clearly shown how this mission in Modern Warfare Remastered.

By the way, the publisher still change my mind — reissue of the first Modern Warfare, which conjures the Studio Raven Software, are given only in special editions of Call of Duty: aerial Warfare. But there will be a full single player campaign and a multiplayer with 10 maps.

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