Home / Medicine / The fact: alcohol kills short term memory

The fact: alcohol kills short term memory

Доказано: алкоголь «убивает» кратковременную памятьThe volume of short-term memory is reduced under the influence of intoxicating beverages.

American researchers came to the conclusion that alcohol has an extremely negative impact on short-term memory. Experts from the University of Texas at experiments came to this conclusion.

Scientists took two groups of volunteers, the first group included 50 people, age category 55-70 years, the second consisted of 70 young people, whose age was 25-35 years.

The participants first looked at the picture with a lot of small details, and then drinking either an alcoholic beverage or a placebo.

In the end, it was necessary to tell what was depicted in the picture.

Experts note that alcohol has affected the work of the back part of the brain that is responsible for short-term memory. Moreover, this effect was observed as with the young people and volunteers aged.

As a result, a person who has consumed alcohol people who were confused and lost, listing the details of the picture. However, young people are better coped with the task than the older generation.

Experts say that the volume of short-term memory is reduced under the influence of intoxicating beverages, so people almost immediately forget any information. Moreover, with age, the situation will only get worse.

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