Home / Medicine / The doctors said that laziness is good for health

The doctors said that laziness is good for health

Медики рассказали, что лень полезна для здоровьяTop 5 reasons why being lazy is good for health.

From childhood we are told: “be Lazy!” But why-that nobody says that sometimes carefree idleness is good for health.

The rhythm of life in our days is reminiscent of the Olympic motto “Faster! Higher! Stronger!”. To indulge in idleness is now unfashionable. In the trend of active and healthy living, socially useful hobby and career growth. Something to solve, to plan, to invent.

That’s just lazy, too, should be able to. The main mistake is that in moments of idleness most of us instead of really get pleasure from idle rest, begin to reproach himself: “I Have a sink full of dirty dishes while I’m laying on the couch! It is a luxury! I’m bad!”

Such bouts of self-flagellation only increase the stress.

Learn to get pleasure from the rest. If instead of the gym at the weekend you decided not to go out to lie in bed and watch your favorite TV series, don’t blame yourself! We have collected the most interesting facts in favor of laziness, which will help you relax.

A flaming engine

Of course, traffic and sports is good for health. But in the pursuit of slender figure and good looks easy to go to extremes. After all, our heart is like the motor. And the softer and quieter it will work, the stronger health. Say, a historical figure almost did not rest. Napoleon, Leonardo da Vinci slept no more than 4 hours a day. Of course, you can follow the example of geniuses and manage to do many useful things. That’s just working non-stop leads to the production of stress hormone, increased blood pressure and weakening of the immune system. Scientists have proven that lack of rest and sleep three times increases the risk of catching a cold. Still in doubt? Then, look at the animals. The strongest representatives of fauna are also one of the lazy: the tiger sleeps about 16 hours a day, lion 13.5 hours. And even the proverbial toiler bees use 20% of their time in search of nectar, and the rest of the time!

The stress hormone not only affects our health but also on the exterior. Daily race accelerates the aging process, reduces the skin’s ability to protect itself from bacteria. This makes it susceptible to environmental influences, leads
to various kinds of irritations, rashes and, of course, wrinkles. You don’t want to age before your time, right?

New opportunities

Passive recreation allows us to look at problems differently, to find new solutions. Studies that were carried nanofizika showed that when we are idle, the work included the areas of the brain that in normal life sleep. And their activity is stronger than while working! Surprisingly, while relaxing our brain becomes more organized, and easier for you to concentrate on your own business. Also, experts say that those who rest in the weekend instead of having to go shopping and do household chores during weekdays show a better performance, a more focused and customized on solving business problems.

A signal from the subconscious

Notice that, when you really want something, no laziness is not a hindrance? Are you ready to move mountains, and most importantly, whatever you do, it brings great pleasure. You can easily undertake the work and get the desired result. Often the desire to wallow is nothing like a hint of your body: “You are not doing their job!” It’s not just about work but about Hobbies. Too lazy to go in the evening for a yoga class? Miss lesson, get some rest. Most importantly, do not occupy yourself with other things: no meetings with friends, cleaning, Ironing, writing reports, which you brought home from work. Think whether yoga is something you want to do? And when talking about sports, then maybe you’re attracted to dancing or water aerobics?

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