Home / Medicine / The doctors explained why it is impossible to bring down the temperature in the first days of illness

The doctors explained why it is impossible to bring down the temperature in the first days of illness

Врачи объяснили, почему нельзя сбивать температуру в первые дни болезниThe flu or influenza fever indicates activation of protective forces of an organism.

Flu and colds often occur in the early stages of the same symptoms – a dry, sore throat, fatigue, cough and fever.

“Often as soon as the first symptoms are felt, people immediately begin to take the advertised powders from temperature and cold, not even thinking about that maps to whether their use in combating colds with harm to the body,” says the doctor, Victoria Savitskaya.

These drugs are really rapidly relieve symptoms, but the problem is that they are not treated, but only mitigate the symptoms.

The biggest mistake is to bring down the temperature in the first few days with the onset of the disease. If the temperature rises, it means that the organism strenuously produces antibodies to the disease, and by lowering the temperature, we thus reduce the body’s natural defenses. In addition, this approach increases the risk of bronchitis.

Expert advises not to take an antipyretic and expectorant in the first days of a cold, especially if you are not ready to go to bed and how to sleep, said the expert.

In addition, it is worth remembering that soluble powders that lower the temperature and suppress symptoms cannot be taken on an empty stomach, as they have a negative effect on the stomach and also affect the kidneys and pancreas.

“To bring down the temperature need only if it exceeded 38 degrees, otherwise, allow the body to fight infection. In this situation the best thing you can do is to go home and spend a few days in bed. This is not to overload the body heavy food, alcohol and even homework,” says the doctor.

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