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The doctors explained what the benefits and harms of sushi

Врачи объяснили, в чем польза и вред сушиThere are both pluses and minuses.

Sushi (and sashimi) as outlandish dishes has gained popularity since the early 80’s. Pretty soon this unusual food, with a distinctive Eastern elegance and simplicity, loved in all corners of the globe.

Over time the fascination of Japanese culture, style and Japanese cuisine has come to us.

Who invented sushi?
Oddly enough, it still and a favorite of many dishes, was invented not as a dish and as a way of preservation. In the coastal villages of South Asia, the freshly caught fish wrapped with rice and placed under pressure.

In the figure under the action of heat and bacteria occurred lactic acid fermentation, forming for wrapped in his fish, something like a marinade. Then used the rice was thrown away and the fish could use in writing. Such method allowed to preserve the seafood for a year, for the beginning of VII century, it was almost fantastic technology.

Sushi (or sushi) as outlandish dishes has gained popularity since the early 80s. Pretty soon this unusual food, with a distinctive Eastern elegance and simplicity, loved in all corners of the globe

Centuries later, the technology of conservation has undergone a number of changes, coming more and more to the modern version. Opened new spices and new food processing methods, which invariably reflected in the technology of preparation and formulation of sushi.

Since the mid-NINETEENTH century, the way sushi was the closest to the version we see now, and basically has not changed.

Useful than sushi?
The obvious benefit of sushi is generous use of seafood as one of the main ingredients of this dish. As you know, marine fish and seafood – essential source of omega-3 fatty acids that protect against atherosclerosis, and valuable protein which is easily digested and almost completely.

Rice also contains a huge amount of nutrients, vitamins and crude fiber necessary for normal digestion.

Sushi is not subjected to heat treatment, so that you can safely say that this product all the beneficial properties of seafood is presented most fully.

Harmful than sushi?
Harm sushi is the reverse side of their own good. Fresh raw fish, unfortunately, is the source not only of omega-3, minerals and protein, but many kinds of worms, which remain “fresh and raw”, with the joy of finding a new host in the person of the lover of this dish.

In addition, numerous clinical studies have shown that regular consumption of raw fish causes cancer of the liver.

And some types of fish used for sushi and sashimi, contains not only useful but also hazardous substances such as mercury.

Another aspect of the harm of sushi and salt. This product is quite salty and therefore can significantly harm the people suffering from diseases of heart and vessels, in particular arterial hypertension.

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