Home / Medicine / The doctors called little-known but very useful property of lemon

The doctors called little-known but very useful property of lemon

Врачи назвали малоизвестное, но очень полезное свойство лимонаAs it turned out, the lemon is useful not only because of the content of vitamin C.

Many people the lemon is associated with a certain drug against influenza, colds and other seasonal viral diseases. But the benefit is not only that it enriches the body with vitamin C, boosting the immune system and allowing a person to quickly deal with the disease.

Lemons in many ways:

– to establish the bowels and cleanse the digestive tract from toxic substances;

– to whiten tooth enamel;

– bring the stones or turn them in the sand in the urinary tract;

to cure a person of ARI or SARS, though not without medicinal pharmaceutical preparations;

– lighten the hair and make them super-shiny;

– to whiten and strengthen nails, prevent breakage;

to save a pregnant woman from the manifestations of toxicity, and ordinary people from sudden attack of nausea;

– eliminate calluses;

– clear blood vessels and prevent the development of atherosclerosis.

It would seem that this list of useful properties of lemon are more than enough in order to ensure its uniqueness and strength. But there is another little-known property, which has a lemon — it stops epistaxis.

How to stop the blood flowing from the nose, hypertension or hypotension?

You need to cold boiled water, add lemon juice and 1 tsp of vinegar, mix well. Take cotton pads, soak in a glass with lemon-vinegar solution, squeeze excess liquid and place the swabs in the nasal passages. Breathe in this case, the patient will have mouth. Feelings may not be the most pleasant in the nose, as the lemon and vinegar contain acids, irritating the mucous membranes. But to wait 2-3 minutes still stands. Some people suggest to lower the nose in a medicinal solution and directly fill the nostrils with water, but this method is not as secure as the previous one. If the bleeding continues and the patient’s condition worsens, then you should immediately call an ambulance.

As we can see, lemon is a mega-useful product that should be present in the diet not only sick people but also healthy. And. The use of lemon can be inside and outside, in order to improve your appearance. By the way, people whose body and face has dark spots or freckles, also helps the lemon, as it can easily whiten skin.

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