Home / Game / The developer of World of Warcraft: Legion, spoke about the emergence of Argus

The developer of World of Warcraft: Legion, spoke about the emergence of Argus

Разработчик World of Warcraft: Legion рассказал о появлении Аргуса Argus – the historical homeland of the Draenei.

After patch 7.2 fans of World of Warcraft: Legion will go to another planet Argus, which is the historical homeland of the Draenei.

The details of her appearance told a leading developer of WoW ion Hatzikostas. According to ion of Hatzikostas, patch 7.3 will send gamers on Argus, part of the Legion. In addition, Blizzard has been creating the next update. Thanks to the latter, the experts will be able to produce brand new content.

By the way, the representatives of the game have repeatedly stated that attracting players is their prerogative. Regarding the exact release date of the next innovation to the World of Warcraft is not reported.

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