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The Deputy-Eser: it’s time to wonder who is working Ministry of education and science

Депутат-эсер: пора задаться вопросом, на кого работает Минобрнауки

At the next plenary meeting, Deputy Chairman of the state Duma Committee on education Victor Shudegov criticized the work of the Ministry of education and science of the Russian Federation.

“The deputies of the faction “Fair Russia” struggled to provide access to education, for maintaining a unified educational space of Russia, for improving the quality of education, for providing students with textbooks in order to ensure the right of children to further education, for the fight against corruption in education, and so on. However, all reasonable and promising are harshly rejected. Unfortunately, the Duma majority considers a good education as a luxury for most Russians.

The most important criterion of effectiveness and schools and universities have become money, that they could be removed from the pockets of children and parents. And how many famous people have fame to Russia, having passed through public education, suffice it to recall Leo Tolstoy. Now all of you watching, maybe the TV series “War and peace”, in the English version. And it is important that seven million prudish British also empathized with all of this, watched.

Recently, on the eve of celebrating of Day of Astronautics Central television conducted a survey on the background of the VVC pavilion “Space”, showing the picture diagram of the planets of the solar system. None of the students, none of the young men … could not show where the Ground. And only man can tell, of old age explained everything…”, (Recalling that people of his generation in the 1950-ies it is all studied in a school – approx. CU).

Shudegov expressed their condemnation of the situation, when from the pages of the leading state media and on television to the population trying to impose the importance of the “pseudoscience” of astrology, even trying to replace her school subject – astronomy. These attempts the MP called “psychological weapon”, comfortable at all times against any “uneducated masses”.

“No wonder it (astrology) have flourished in the period from the beginning of the XV till the late XVII centuries, until the beginning of the enlightenment. With the beginning of the enlightenment and the development of science, astrology was virtually driven out of the region of interest the educated part of society, but at the turn of XX-XXI centuries astrology became popular again, especially in Russia. The reason is very simple: people learned to read, but have forgotten how to think logically, this resulted in the exam.

Colleagues, continuing active actions of our Ministry for the destruction of our education system, destroyed the system of vocational education, which still is with great regret that I recall the manufacturers. Closed universities, destroyed the system of rural education, began a Ministerial attack on the system of distance learning.

It is time for us to ask the question: who runs the Ministry?”, – concluded his speech Viktor Shudegov


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