Director of the Latvian Institute of organic synthesis Ivars kalvinš, created a preparation “Mildronat” (Meldonium), in an interview with the BBC explained what, in his view, the current doping scandal surrounding drugs.
According to Calvinia, the medicine he invented back in 1976, and has passed clinical trials and was registered in 1984. With now medication produce on the territory of post-Soviet countries.
Foreign pharmaceutical companies, explains calvings, do not tend to the production of the drug because they do not have a patent on it (now the drug is already publicly available). Academician explains that should any pharmaceutical companies to conduct their trials and register the medicine, as all competitors begin to do the same, and it will be unprofitable. Therefore, the drug remains a purely post-Soviet heritage, it has established its production.
Calvinist emphasizes that Mildronate on either side cannot be considered to be doping (he is not entered into the “doping list”, and in the prohibited list in order of substances).
The main task of medicine to support the heart during the overload, not giving his cells to die. Mildronate can save the athlete’s death in training, but not to improve the results.
Therefore, Calvinist and believes that banning drugs for sportsmen is a “political game”. The academician explained that there was no evidence of doping nature of the product no, but there is a possibility for his account to claim it is to the athletes from the former USSR — the region where the drug is most available (however, he adds the scientist, there is, of course, and Internet Commerce, which means that it can buy and Western athletes).
Thus, according to Calvinist, the inclusion of Mildronate in the list of prohibited substances is “unreasonable decision”. We will remind that from him, however, has already affected many Russian athletes, and in particular, tennis player Maria Sharapova, now because of the doping scandal losing advertising contracts.