Home / Science and technology / The company Uber is testing unmanned taxi

The company Uber is testing unmanned taxi

Компания Uber тестирует беспилотные таксиWell-known global company Uber at an accelerated pace has begun testing unmanned taxi.

The first car no drivers left on the streets of America. The company introduced the practice, which involves the blind selection of the customer that will submit the unmanned taxi. Thus, the client will not be able to make the choice himself, he put before the fact.

By the way, before the end of the test, such trains will be free. However, Uber is not going to leave their customers to the mercy robotized systems. In the cabin drone taxis will be located, two staff members of the company, which will constantly monitor the correct operation of the machine, and if anything, will be able to take control for themselves.

Experts connect such emergency measures so that the network appeared rumors that Google is soon going to release its own unmanned taxi service. That’s why Uber urgently began to act.

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