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The Chinese in 20 years are going to go to the moon

Китайцы через 20 лет собираются побывать на ЛунеChina will send a taikonaut to the moon until 2036.

To 2036 the Chinese astronauts (they taikonaut) will visit the moon.

This was stated by Lieutenant-General of the people’s liberation army of China and the Deputy head of the manned space program of China Zhang Yulin.

Preparations for the first manned flight to the moon will take 15-20 years. To do this, China will need super-heavy launch vehicle, manned spacecraft and special space suit, said researcher Chinese Academy of space technology Mr. Jihao.

Recall, yet on the moon was visited only American astronauts in July 1969 Neil Armstrong and buzz Aldrin “Apollo 11” landed on Earth satellite in the Sea of Tranquility.

Chinese program for lunar exploration forces automatic stations takes place in three stages: flyby of the moon, landing on the surface and sampling of soil for return to the planet. The program start is scheduled for 2017, and by 2036 taikonaut will be on the moon.

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