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The best ways to detoxify the body

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Think about cleaning the body, but not willing to sit on special diets and take drugs? Help the most affordable ways to clean the body.

What distinguishes people who are worried about their health, from all others? First, they limit the consumption that can damage the body. Cigarettes, alcohol and some irritating the intestines and causing constipation products. Secondly, they take care to ensure that toxins and waste production of the body, promptly left him. Here are some simple tips that will help you cleanse the body.

Tip 1
Morning with lemon

Just waking up, drink a glass of warm water with lemon. This will provide your body with potassium, calcium, magnesium and vitamin C. during the night the body is dehydrated, which causes slowing of metabolic processes. Drinking a glass of water, you start the metabolism with renewed vigor. In addition, the lemon is a powerful antioxidant, it protects the body from free radicals and strengthens the immune system.

Tip 2
Engage in yoga

It is not necessary to become a yoga Pro, but one useful exercise of yoga should be performed regularly. This is the “twist”: in the sitting position, expand the body to one side as much as possible, hold this position for 5-10 seconds, then make the twist in the other direction. During exercise, breathe evenly and deeply.

The twist stimulates digestion, relaxes muscles and diaphragm, allowing the digestive system to work more efficiently.

Method 3
More broccoli

Broccoli is an invaluable product, especially for those whose body is suffering from toxins. Broccoli, like other types of cabbage, rich in antioxidants. The study showed that women whose diet had a lot of broccoli or other vegetables of the cabbage family, suffered less from all sorts of inflammatory processes.

Broccoli is also good for prevention of heart disease, diabetes and iron deficiency in the body.

Method 4
Dry clean

A couple of times a week, before you take a bath or shower, wipe dry with a brush with soft bristles of your body. The dry cleaning has several advantages: it helps to exfoliate dead skin cells, clean the pores so they are well performed their functions – was allocated sweat. Dry brushing stimulates circulation, promotes faster renewal of skin cells, improves their vitality.

Method 5
Herbal tea

Prefer not black or green, and herbal tea. Ideally with milk Thistle or dandelion, but you can drink any herbal promoting liver functions. These teas stimulate the recovery of liver tissue, in particular, milk Thistle stimulates the production of enzymes that neutralize toxins. However, remember that herbal medicinal decoctions should drink no more than the amount, which recommended: they usually increase the appetite.

Method 6
Bath salt

Taking a bath, add a couple of tablespoons of sea salt. Sea salt contains magnesium and other minerals is very useful for detoxifying the body. Salt stimulates the large intestine that removes waste from the body. If the colon is working sluggish, the toxins begin to be absorbed into the bloodstream and poison him.

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