Home / Medicine / The best recipes for “clean” joints at home

The best recipes for “clean” joints at home

Лучшие рецепты для «чистки» суставов в домашних условияхUnpleasant crunching in the joints, painful feeling in them – all this suggests, it’s time to implement the global cleaning.

How to clean the joints from salts? What folk remedies can be used.


Cleaning joints of folk remedies involves the use of raw materials of plant origin. 1 tbsp. fennel seeds pour half a liter of alcohol. Put the infusion for 7 days in a dark place (periodically stir the liquid). Then strain it and take 5 ml by diluting in 30 ml water (repeat 3 times a day).


Cleaning joints Bay leaf is one of the most effective methods of folk medicine. 5 g Laurel, place in an enamel saucepan, cover with water (300 ml). Simmer for 4-5 minutes without closing the lid (essential oils should evaporate). Then close the pan, cover and leave for 3 hours.

Broth to drink in small SIPS, the process stretched for the whole day (if taken all at once, it can internal bleeding). Repeat procedure three times, after the interval of 3 weeks. No matter what complications, it is recommended that before cleaning the joints to pay attention to the cleaning of the gallbladder and intestines. Laurel is contraindicated with peptic ulcer disease, pancreatitis, cholecystitis, cholelithiasis. To drink the broth after eating (10-15 minutes). It needs to be cold.


Cleaning of the joints may be carried out at home is more convenient to use for this purpose, the Fig. The course lasts for 2 months. Repeat it 1 time in 2 years. The rice is processed, the result of which it becomes porous like a sponge. It allows the grains to actively absorb salts and remove them from the body.

Measure 1 kg of grains of rice, place in a large pot, cover with water. Rinse for 20 minutes, then dry. The procedure is repeated for 7 days in a row (eventually water when rinsing needs to be completely transparent). Finally dried beans, put them in a paper bag.

Cook daily 1 tbsp rice cooking time – 25 minutes, do not add salt). Porridge mix. So she did not stick to the bottom, use a steam bath. Eat rice before the morning meal (4 hours before). If you wish to strengthen the effectiveness of treatment, then 1 hour before consumption of rice, eat 2 apples. During the course of cleaning you need to follow a diet, eliminating alcohol, fat, meat, meats, spicy meals have a vegetarian diet). It is desirable to abandon the salt (or eliminate it completely).

The active phase of purification begins after 30 days after the start of cleaning. At this time usually the urine becomes cloudy – you shouldn’t be afraid. Purification continues even after the completion of the reception of rice. Because grain output is not only harmful salts, but potassium salts, care should be taken to maintain a balance (otherwise worsen cardiac activity). From the very first day of the cleansing enter in the diet as much as possible of products containing this element. This category includes potatoes, melons, watermelons, oatmeal and millet. Useful to use apricots and dried apricots, grapes and raisins, apples and bananas, carrots and beets.

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