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The benefits and harms of cream of wheat

Польза и вред манной кашиSemolina is a favorite and unloved by many since childhood has specific benefits and harms.

Cereals have long been considered an integral element of healthy food, as they are the source of many useful minerals. Although, it happens that semolina categorized as junk food because it contains carbohydrates. Traditionally, semolina is the least valuable of all. But Kashi has many useful properties, because of which it actively engage in a healthy diet.

You should know that semolina made from common wheat, its bigger than just grinding grinding flour. That is why when cooking grits is not converted into a homogeneous mass. Often for the manufacture of semolina use wheat soft varieties. Semolina made from soft wheat, can be labeled with the letter “M” of the solid – icon “T” and a mixture of different varieties – “MT”.

Also, you should always consider that the caloric content of cereals is 328 calories per 100 grams of dry product. And semolina pretty much fall apart, the caloric content of cereals is low (provided that it is cooked in water without added sugar and fat). Carbohydrates in 100 grams of cereals contains just over 73 grams of protein – about 10 grams of fat – about 1 gram.

In addition to the high content of proteins, starches, semolina porridge contains such minerals as potassium, magnesium, calcium, sodium, iron and phosphorus. They all make semolina is a very useful product. Fiber in the semolina a little – just 0.2%. Because of this, the monkey has no cleansing properties, which are characteristic of other cereals, and on the other hand – it’s perfect for the diet.

Use semolina

In the case of diseases of the digestive system patients prescribed sparing diet with a minimum amount of fiber. In this case, the semolina will be indispensable – it is quite easily absorbed by the body. Only cook it stands exclusively on water – milk cereals, and dairy products for gastrointestinal diseases is contraindicated.

In the composition of monkey is sufficient starch and vegetable protein, which are quite easily digested without burdening the stomach. Therefore, dishes from semolina are recommended by dieticians to children, the elderly, debilitated patients, and people undergoing surgery for a period of rehabilitation.

Semolina, due to the high content of potassium, helps reduce swelling. It is also useful for the heart and blood vessels. And due to the B vitamins that are contained in mahnke, supports the nervous system, improves the reproductive function. Iron – helps in combating anemia.

Harm monkey

But it is worth to mention the harmful properties of semolina. Speaking about its caloric value, is taken into account the proportion in which you mix water and cereal or cereal and milk. And if (as often happens) to manke add sugar (lots of sugar) and butter, then this product becomes a very nutritious dish in large quantities will promote weight gain. So for those who wants to lose weight, is to eat porridge with care, do not abuse the butter and sugar.

In mahnke almost no fiber. Therefore, its regular consumption may lead to constipation. Because of this, it is recommended to alternate the porridge with other cereals, such as buckwheat or oatmeal.

See also: Chocolate – the benefits and harms to health

And semolina is strictly not recommended to people suffering from diabetes and allergic to gluten. Some experts argue that these diseases can be triggered by an excessive use of cereal at an early age.

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