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The beginning of the meeting of oil-producing countries in Doha postponed

Начало встречи нефтедобывающих стран в Дохе отложили

Meeting of oil-producing countries in Doha may start in the afternoon because of changes in the event program. About it RIA Novosti said a source in the delegation of one country.

“The heads of delegations of the oil-producing countries are now going to the Emir of Qatar [Tamim bin Hamad al-Thani], then begin the meeting”, — said the Agency interlocutor.

Under the program, the official talks between the parties were supposed to start at 8:45, but that didn’t happen.

Reuters referring to the sources writes that the delay is due to modifications requested by Saudi Arabia. The participants of the meeting headed by the Emir of Qatar, to resolve the difficulty.

Meanwhile the Ambassador of Ecuador in Qatar Kabalan of Abisaab NEMA (Kabalan Bahij Abisaab Neme) stated that participation in the talks attended by 18 countries, the probability of agreement by freezing the level of oil production is high.

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