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Than to rinse sore throat: 5 available funds

Чем полоскать больное горло: 5 доступных средствGetting colder, and despite the surrounding beauty, the city has creeps so familiar seasonal disease.

Gargling is a very effective method of dealing with viral infections, although treatment is not actually.

The correct solution to rinse can significantly ease the sore throat and speed up recovery.

With the help of the rinsing is very important process of irrigation and moistening of the mucosa of the oral cavity and throat. Thus, our own saliva, which is the first barrier in the way of viruses, diluted and becomes more efficient when the concentration of saliva significantly loses its protective properties. In addition, with the help of herbs, soda and other components of the solution to rinse we create in the mouth and throat very uncomfortable for the microbes, the environment and significantly reduce their concentration.

Soda solution

Ordinary baking soda is the universal medicine for many diseases. With a sore throat in the club soda creates on the mucosa of the alkaline environment, that is not very fond of not only viruses, but also fungi and bacteria. Soda gargle in case of sore throat or common cold is recommended even by the doctors, but it is important to observe the proportions, especially if we are talking about a child: 1 Cup warm water, take ½ teaspoon of baking soda.

Sea water

Ironically the term is called one a solution of soda, to which add table or sea salt and iodine. This solution helps to remove the inflammation from a sore throat and speed up recovery, in combination with a prescription treatment. To prepare this solution to rinse very simple: one glass of warm water dissolve half a teaspoon of baking soda, ¼ teaspoon of salt and add 1-2 drops of iodine.

A decoction of eucalyptus leaves

Eucalyptus — southern plant, the leaves of which are rich in essential oils and have a pronounced antiseptic properties. Even just to breathe the vapors of eucalyptus leaves decoction is helpful for the patient’s neck and even helps to ease breathing in the cold.

1 tablespoon of pharmacy eucalyptus leaves pour 1 Cup boiling water and simmer for 10-15 minutes, tightly covered. Cool, strain and dilute the solution with warm water in the ratio 1:2, for a child can be diluted more. To treat sore throats in adults instead of the decoction of the leaves you can use alcohol tincture of eucalyptus in a glass of water 2-3 drops of the extract.

Antiseptic herbs

Will help rinse from the pharmacy herbs, natural antiseptics, such as chamomile, sage, calendula. Herbs can be brewed together in a ratio of 1 tablespoon collection for 1 Cup of water and can brew each separately and alternate them throughout the day.


Beeswax, which is produced by beekeepers from hives in addition to honey has amazing properties. This substance is a powerful antiseptic, which was used by our ancient ancestors. Propolis solution in addition to antiseptic properties and has a more analgesic effect. Gargle with propolis is particularly effective for tonsillitis and as an addition to antibiotic treatment of angina.

There are quite effective pharmacological drugs, but about them is to consult a doctor.

But the rules of the rinse is to know worth knowing:

Soda is contraindicated in gastric ulcer and heart disease at an early stage of pregnancy, and children under 5 years of age.

The solution temperature should be slightly above body temperature

Gargle need 20 minutes after eating and not to eat anything after rinsing for at least half an hour and preferably an hour.

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