Home / Medicine / Ten possible causes of stabbing pain in the head

Ten possible causes of stabbing pain in the head

Десять возможных причин колющей боли в головеDoctors told about the causes of pain in the head pricking character.

Often, people feel a sharp headache attacks are more like jabs with a sharp object. Such pain effect is temporary, but it can appear up to fifty times a day. Most often, the stabbing pain occurs in the temporal region or around the head to man may seem if he is beaten on the head with something heavy and sharp.

Doctors say that these unpleasant symptoms are affected most by those people who have chronic migraine. But other people can easily get a headache, although, in this case we are talking about other diseases that provoke such attacks.

Possible causes stabbing pain in the head:

1. Banal sinusitis is often accompanied by headaches.

2. Arthritis of the temporal and occipital region of the head. By the way, the pain will also manifest in the temples and at the nape.

3. A brain cyst and other tumors, both benign and malignant.

4. Mastoiditis usually joins the otitis media that can cause sharp pain behind the ears on one or both sides.

5. Arthritis of the mandible with purulent secretions.

6. The tumor located in the head near the nerve trunks.

7. Osteochondrosis of the cervical spine provokes pain effects not only in the neck, but in the head.

8. The defeat of the peripheral region of the CNS, leading to diagnoses of toxic polyneuropathy and optic neuritis.

9. Various inflammatory diseases of the eye, ear and nose.

10. Hernia, located between the vertebrae, also provokes stabbing pain in my head.

As we see, the appearance of pain attacks in the head, similar to injections heavy stuff, quite a lot of reasons. Leaving them unattended is highly undesirable, as some of them are deadly. If the pain does not stop and repeat several times a day, then the person should immediately consult a physician. Then he will need to complete a full examination of the head and brain and also back.

Endure stabbing pain in the head, especially if they become chronic, and the apparent reason people are not watching, you can’t. Remember that early diagnosis of cancer and other serious diseases allows to increase the patient’s chances of full recovery.

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