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Ten essential foods for athletes

Десять незаменимых продуктов для спортсменовThese products must be included in the diet to strengthen the immune system and achieve success in sport.

Sport is inextricably linked to strong immunity and proper nutrition. If you eat unhealthy foods, it is unlikely ever to be fully satisfied with their body. After all, we are what we eat.

Of course, if you have a goal to become the owner of the relief of the body, your meals should be relevant, and prevail in the diet needs proteins and complex carbohydrates. But if you just want to please myself and to get rid of excess, the food just has to be right.

Suggest to include in the diet of 10 products that are not directly associated with muscle growth, but which will make your diet more healthy and balanced.

1. Blueberries

If you want to have good health and a strong immune system, include in the diet of blueberries. This berry has many beneficial properties. And blueberries contain in its composition valuable antioxidants. It protects the cardiovascular and genitourinary system. In blueberries contain high amounts of water, which also can not but rejoice.

2. Cereal

Oatmeal is wonderful in every sense of the dish. The only clarification: choose for your diet oatmeal long cooking without additives and flavorings. If you wish you can add honey, fruit or berries. Oatmeal for a long time energizes and helps to keep blood sugar levels under control. This is a great dish that is suitable for powering up to and even after a workout. In half a Cup of rolled oats contains about 10 grams of protein.

3. Apples

If you eat one Apple a day, you don’t need a doctor – says a popular wisdom English. We have no reason not to believe her. Apples contain a lot of vitamins, minerals and nutrients. They have a lot of fiber, which charges the body with vigor and energy.

4. Green tea

In the beneficial properties of green tea, no doubt. It is an important source of natural antioxidants. Them in this drink even more than some fruits and vegetables. Regular consumption of green tea not only helps to strengthen the immune system and prevent a number of diseases, but also to accelerate the metabolism, improves digestion and speeds up the process of weight loss.

5. Flax seeds

Include flax seed to the diet, if healthy eating is not for you an empty phrase. It is a valuable source of vitamins, minerals, fiber and protein. Use the seeds in the ground. So they are digested much better. You can add them to your favorite Breakfast.

6. Yogurt

We will talk only about natural yogurt without any additives. It is such a product rich in vitamins and beneficial bacteria that improve intestinal health. Natural yogurt makes a wonderful light snack during the day. He does not burden the stomach and effectively cope with hunger. Add to yogurt granola, berries or fruit, to make it even tastier.

7. Broccoli

Green cabbage is rich in vitamins of group B. They strengthen the immunity and improve the digestive system. If you exercise, be sure to include broccoli in the diet. Cabbage is perfect for lunch or dinner. Very tasty and nutritious!

8. Olive oil

Olive oil makes food not only delicious, but also useful. It includes polyunsaturated fatty acids omega-3 that are needed by the human body. They reduce the risk of developing diseases of the cardiovascular system, reduce the content of harmful cholesterol and improves the digestive system.

9. Beans

In beans a lot of vegetable protein. It is necessary for the body no less than the animal protein we get from meat, poultry and seafood. This is a real find for both professional sportsmen and Amateurs, because energy after eating beans is preserved long enough.

10. Cinnamon

Cinnamon is a lovely spice. It adds useful desserts and breakfasts intriguing aroma and excellent taste. Just the smell of cinnamon can reduce sugar cravings. If you can not live without sweets, cakes and pastries, then take this life hack on arms.

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