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The nutritionist spoke about the right summer menu

Диетолог рассказала о правильном летнем менюNutritionist Alexander Kirilenko told how to eat in the summer.

The candidate of medical Sciences told about the dangers of jam, contraindications to berry and fruit dishes, a ban on self-medication with calcium supplements, as well as the importance of monitoring visits to the toilet.

It is considered that summer is the best time for weight loss. If it was, we decided to ask a nutritionist, candidate of med. B. Alexandra Kirilenko. To do this, the press-Studio “Segodnya Multimedia”, we organized an open line on which the “Today” along with a readers can ask the most exciting questions.

— Whether to lose weight easier in summer than in winter?

Summer is a great reason to bring yourself back to normal, because now the bright greens, juicy berries, fruits and vegetables to suit different tastes. This diversity allows us to forget about the cakes and pastries, fried potatoes and sausage, which are abundant in our diet in the winter. In addition, in the summer we spend more energy, it is possible to fresh air literally days.

— And how to make the summer diet?

— Seasonal fruits, vegetables, berries and herbs are the basis of the summer menu. They are rich in vitamins, trace elements, and each of them is a storehouse of benefit for the person.

— Can I eat some berries in summer, because it is believed that they “box” with vitamins?

— There is need a little bit of everything, without bias in any direction. The berries should be on the table necessarily, but to replace all meals should not be. It is better to follow the norm: children from 3 to 12 years — one Cup a day, children over 12 and adults — two. Adults may wish to arrange a day of fasting on grapes. To do this, take 1 kg of any berries, divide by 5 receptions and combining with dairy products or wholemeal bread, eat health. On this diet you per day will get rid of 1.5 kg of excess weight. But that day may only be one a week! And in the remaining six balanced nutrition.

— Is there a rule of combining different berries?

— Berries can be combined arbitrarily. Want one glass, put a bit of raspberries, a handful of cherries, a bit of strawberry and mulberry is please. The berries vary in taste and amount of biologically active substances, but, by and large, the composition they are virtually identical. This is their best in the afternoon as a snack, with wholegrain biscuits, plain or make them homemade jelly or sorbet, whisking 200 g of berries with 1 tsp sugar. Jam from the berries to cook is not necessary, because during heat treatment of almost all the vitamins disappear. And about popular the proportion of berries with sugar 50/50 and say nothing. Using this formula, you in heat and pain for three days, cook is absolutely useless and is instantly deposited into fat fast carbohydrate. By the way, sprinkle the berries with sugar to taste should not be too — so you increase the caloric content of their berry plates at least twice. Hence the conclusion: the best option of preserving berries — freeze. If you still want to cook, make jam from apricots, apples, blueberries or black currant. They contain pectin (natural sorbent), which aktiviziruyutsya when heated — it is heated, but not boiling. Take these fruits/berries and add generowanie sugar (bag of 1 kg or following the recipe on the package), heat, cool, close in jars and store in the refrigerator until winter.

— Who are the berries is not?

— They are prohibited for people with allergies, hypertension and also prone to edema, because the berries due to the considerable content of liquid puts an additional burden on the heart, increase the blood volume and the kidneys to cause edema. Berries are contraindicated during exacerbation of chronic and acute diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, particularly pancreatitis, gastritis, duodenitis (an inflammatory disease of the duodenum), because berry juice irritates the mucous membrane of the stomach and intestines.

— Berry menu everything is clear. And how to calculate serving of protein foods?

— Now the whole world is trying to move on such measures of portions, such as “palm”, “fist” and so on. It is better to buy a scale and cook following the law. There are age and physiological protein intake. For example, physically active woman of average height (170 cm) and normal weight (70 kg) should eat about 70 grams of protein in a pure form. In products it looks like this: 100 g of meat/fish dishes (preferably in steamed, boiled or grilled), 1 Cup of kefir and 100 g of cottage cheese. But the strong, physically active man or a breast-feeding mother it is necessary twice more.

— Speaking of cheese: some doctors recommend to use it every day, others not more than twice a week, explaining that the calcium and so now add in all the products. How to do the right thing?

— First you need to understand that the concentration of calcium in the blood is constant. It depends on the functions of several organs and systems, but primarily from the work of the thyroid and parathyroid glands, and kidneys. These bodies will do everything they can to calcium concentration remained at the proper level, because otherwise you will run into serious problems. Calcium is essential primarily for the heart, nervous regulation, it gives the hardness/density of the bones, teeth, nails and the elasticity of the hair. The percentage assimilation of calcium from dairy products is only 30-50%. To fill his daily rate of the day you need to eat 100 grams of cottage cheese, 30 g of brine cheese and 1 Cup of yogurt. Then there’s no problem with calcium metabolism you will have, plus this is not exactly stout. While women in the menopausal age, nursing mothers and those suffering from osteoporosis can safely increase this figure twice. And don’t be afraid: if you suddenly eat extra, it will immediately removed from the body. However, knowing people’s attitude to the question of power, it is difficult to imagine a person who fully ensures normal your body — usually calcium people is not enough. To know whether this will help tests: blood chemistry or trace element analysis of hair. The test results should see a doctor and not to self-medicate. Because high or low levels of calcium in the blood may be associated not only with diet, but with the malfunction of the thyroid gland, the parathyroid glands or kidneys.

— Who need to worry about lack of calcium?

Nursing mothers, people over 50 years of age suffering from gastritis, problems in the bowel (at which calcium is absorbed with difficulty). Excessive fiznagruzki, osteoporosis in anamnesis, hair loss and dental problems is also a reason to check the chemistry of the blood.

— A snack — a question about water. How much to drink?

To answer this question by measuring your daily diuresis (the ratio of the volume of fluid you drink and urine). Take a scoop of bottle of water (liter or liter), drink water and measure the amount of released liquid. If in addition to water did you drink coffee, tea, juices, compotes, add the amount of alcohol consumed to the volume of water. If the numbers are logged and published volumes coincide (with small error), then there is no problem. Such people can drink 30 ml of water per 1 kg of body weight for adults, and children under 7 years — on demand, but not more than 1.5 liters. Significantly overstated or understated figures released signal serious conditions and a reason to immediately contact a physician, cardiologist or neurologist. It is also important to know that the rate of water consumption increases during hot summer days, so don’t forget to take water with you.

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