Home / Business / “Tell us about your track,” Anastasia Reshetova wrote a philosophical book for girls

“Tell us about your track,” Anastasia Reshetova wrote a philosophical book for girls


Beloved Timati, model Anastasia Reshetova decided to become a writer. She is now preparing to release his first book.

20-year-old beauty will share his secrets: Anastasia talk about the diet that adheres to, and demonstrate exercises, thanks to which she manages to keep in top shape. However, the work Reshetovaa will be primarily philosophical: she tries to teach readers the correct attitude to life and to ourselves.


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“I’ll tell his readers how he came to understand that exhausting diets and thinness is wrong, unhealthy and ugly. Tell us about your path to a perfect body, although I myself haven’t reached. But Moscow is also not built. In the book of my beauty secrets, ABC of nutrition, I will fully your diet, exercise. I will tell you how important it is to monitor their appearance, as it will help in achieving success in all spheres of activity. In the book there’s a Chapter about vegetarianism and the raw food diet is something I practiced for a long time. I bring their vision of a perfect woman and tell you how to gain confidence in yourself. My task is to motivate his readers,” shared with Reshetov Life.ru.






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