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Tan harmful to health?

The weather is Sunny and warm, even hot days. Of course, we all have thoughts of the beach and at the beaches, you can see dozens of people tan. A large number of tourists almost spend hours under the sun, trying to get a quality tan that will stay as long as possible. But are they good tan?

To answer this question can any experienced doctor. Sun exposure stimulates the production of vitamin D is not only useful to strengthen bones, but also actively involved in most metabolic processes in the body. But to obtain its necessary quantity in the sun is enough to spend about 20 minutes a day, but certainly not an hour, nor two, nor three. The sun, no matter how gentle it may be, can cause serious harm, and every camper should know and remember.

About the dangers of excessive sun exposure and other risks says plastic surgeon, Honored doctor of Ukraine, Rostislav valikhnovskyi.

Adverse effects of long-term sun exposure

  • Prolonged exposure to sun on human skin is harmful skin regeneration. The rays of the sun stimulate copious melanin, due to which our skin and becomes this beautiful, desired brown. However, this process is protective, in addition to which starts in the body and others, as a result of which the skin becomes thicker and coarser, and its regeneration is reduced. As the human body is protected from ultraviolet radiation. Moreover, after prolonged ignition the allocation of melanin in the body becomes uneven and is the cause of many freckles, and also not attractive pigmentation.
  • Violation make proteins. In our body due to elasticity of the skin meets the two major protein: collagen and elastin. They are formed in deep layers of the skin during prolonged exposure to ultraviolet light penetrates so deeply, reflecting adversely on that process. The result is the formation of deep wrinkles and sagging skin. Especially harmful to stay long in the sun people older than 40 years.
  • The destruction of the cells DNA. At its core, a tan is mild skin burns. Like any other, it leaves traces, due to broken strands of DNA, which is especially harmful for children. In young people the results of DNA damage will remain for life.
  • The danger of skin cancer. Microalga not only leave their traces, but also accumulated. After reaching a certain number they cause the development of melanoma or skin cancer. World statistics shows that each year the number of new cases of melanoma is growing at about 8 %. This disease is the worst types of cancer because of the rapid formation of metastasis.
  • The risk of aggravation of existing diseases. To be in the sun for a limited time to people with disease of hypertensive type, with diabetes, with chronic infections and disorders in the endocrine system, with benign tumors. In these cases, going to the beach is possible only after consultation with your doctor.
  • The sense of measure never and in no way was unnecessary. This applies to love for the sun and desire to look beautiful, attractive. Deliberately come to time spent on the beach, because in this case the price for beauty may be disproportionately higher.

    Source: website of the Clinic of plastic surgery doctors Malinovskogo Valikhnovskimd.com

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