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Is it possible to tan without the fear of cancer?

Можно ли загореть, не боясь рака?

Horror stories about how dangerous it is to tan in the sun, we’ve heard a lot. Doctors for years have insisted that the beautiful color of the skin may be associated with greater risks to health. Now scientists have come to very different conclusions.

Myths debunked

Summer is just around the corner and most of us have dreams about how it will bask on the beach under the southern sun. Well, if not even the South, his own native. It is possible to sunbathe without having to travel to exotic countries, but only going to the shore of the nearest pond or to the country. Where’s tan, by the way, stick not worse.

There are followers of the bronze tan that they can sunbathe anywhere, starting from APR-Mar to for the summer season to the envy of others, to be chocolate hues. And these fans are not confused no exhortations doctors, that excessive sun exposure can cause not only premature aging of the skin, but to bring to Oncology. There is, incidentally, people who have a painful addiction to sun tanning. In medicine it has already received its name. Compulsion all the time to sunbathe, defined as anorexia and is considered as a harmful dependence, which equates to tobacco and alcohol. People suffering from tanorexia, year-round can visit the Solarium, just to not look pale. But today we are talking primarily about these solar baths that cause doctors from different countries no less controversial than artificial.

After all, even celebrities, frightened by the warnings of doctors, began to fear the sun and to appear on the beach, wrapped up in thick capes. They say it usually takes a sunbath Madonna, impressed by the warnings that sunburn may lead to the occurrence of cancer, increasing its risk by 80%. There is talk that the reason the ozone hole, which became the sources of all evils and made the sun’s rays not as useful as they were before.

It turns out that all these fears were groundless. To such conclusion scientists from Sweden, conducted the study on a large group of participants, consisting of 30 000 persons aged 26 to 60 years. It turned out that a tan not only gives the skin a beautiful color, but thanks to vitamin D, improves functioning of the cardiovascular system.

Even before the oncologist Hakan Olsson from the Swedish University of Lund, claimed that regularly sunbathing women have greater life expectancy and no melanoma, which used to frighten doctors, they found no. On the contrary, the sun’s rays help to strengthen the immune system, and even prevent diabetes. According to Professor Olsson, on the contrary, when people do not have enough sunlight they are more susceptible to different diseases. For example, from lack of sun may occur deep vein thrombosis. According to the scientist, it is much more common in winter than in summer.

Dr. ed Yong from cancer Research center of Britain thus convinced that the sun simply does not have to be too intense. Need to protect the skin from severe burns, and then the risk of cancer will be reduced to a minimum. And vitamin D the doctor advises to get it from such foods as fatty fish, eggs, butter.

Who sunburn contraindicated

It is also interesting what they say conventional doctors in the district hospitals? Are there any arguments in defense of the sun, and Vice versa, on the same level.

The most famous arguments in favor of tanning, which is called the therapists and cosmetologists is simple: sunburn can be helpful for acne, dermatitis, psoriasis, eczema. Yes, and in itself a tanned look much nicer than pale after a long winter a face with shadows under his eyes.

Also normal doctors along with scientists luminaries warn of the dangers of excessive sun exposure. Here unpleasant consequences known — severe burns or heat stroke. So, going to the beach, stock up on sunscreen, water, umbrella, in order not to be in direct light. It is important to observe the water balance and in the time spent in the sun to drink more water. When you burn typically use a folk remedy — lubricate the burnt place with sour cream, take antipyretic and pain killers. Sunbathing better before the strong sun, from eight to eleven for this best time.

What else is fraught with severe sunburn, so the emergence of a large number of moles, a manifestation of birthmarks.

Often also from the sun in some diseases, and pregnancy, may appear dark spots, which also will not decorate.

Can sunbathe for those who are allergic from the sun’s rays. There are. Well, of course, does not advise physicians to sunbathe to those who have certain diseases. Sunburn is dangerous for patients with diabetes, tuberculosis, asthma, dangerous long sun exposure to people with liver disease, hematopoietic and nervous system.

Going to the beach, also always need to know the peculiarities of your skin. Much easier sun exposure tolerated by people with dark skin than white-skinned blond, whose tan develops in instant redness all exposed areas. In General, all as always, all you need to know when to stop!

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