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Tag Archives: scientists

Ability in mathematics are inherited – scientists

The approach that the teacher uses in teaching, can have a significant impact on a child’s knowledge Scientists from the University of Pittsburgh (Pennsylvania, USA) found that mathematical ability is genetically transmitted. Accordingly, parents have a good knowledge of exact science, children too have no problems with studying mathematics. Parents …

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Scientists named the best time for Breakfast

Nutritionists from the UK claim that the person need to observe the correct mode of Breakfast. For this there is some period of time. So, the best time for food one hour after the man woke up. Is later or earlier than this time will be not so useful for …

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Scientists have proposed to seed life on other planets

German astrobiology Kladusa the Grog was offered to settle the earth microbes to the nearest ekzoplaneta. Claudis, Grog was offered to extend the “reasonable, good, eternal” using special capsules. A scientist wants to resettle them across the Universe. He believes that this will help the emergence of life on those …

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Scientists have found a place where I can live the aliens

The discovery of a new star where they can dwell in the “advanced aliens”, did the astronomers from the Institute for extraterrestrial physics in Garching. Note, scientists accidentally made the discovery when they examined data from the Kepler telescope. A unique phenomenon was about stars EPIC 204278916 inside S Association, …

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Chronic fatigue syndrome is a form of hibernation, scientists

Mystery of chronic fatigue syndrome. Scientists in biology have discovered a unique chemical markers in the blood of people who suffer from chronic fatigue syndrome. The results of the study suggest that the disease may represent an unusual form of hibernation. In recent years, scientists record a fairly rapid growth …

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Scientists have found the remains of a flying pterosaur

The oldest skull of a pterosaur was so well preserved that experts have even managed to restore his brain cavity. During excavations in the province of Chubut (Argentina) paleontologists have discovered the remains of a flying pterosaur who lived on Earth about 170 million years ago. Scientists emphasize that the …

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In Russia, scientists have discovered a cluster of white whales

White orcas are extremely rare.In the Northwest Pacific, scientists have found at least five white whales. The multiplicity of such individuals suggests that among orcas inbreeding has taken on alarming proportions. Normally, these animals are black and white. Individuals of white, which the scientists saw earlier was alone and undeveloped …

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Scientists named the most dangerous periods for marriage

Scientists have found, when it begins to fade passion.German scientists from the Ludwig-Maximilian University reported that sexual passion begins to fade after a year relationship. However, partners have hope if they have children. Researchers from Germany interviewed more than 3,000 people aged 25 to 40, to assess the level of …

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Scientists have discovered the amazing ability of the squid

The squid were able to count to five.Squid-pharaohs count of potential prey to choose a more promising group of shrimp to attack. Laboratory experiments have demonstrated their ability to count to at least five, what tells the article of Chinese biologists, published in the journal Proceedings of the Royal Society …

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