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Tag Archives: days

Life hack: get rid of blisters in 3 days

On his feet calluses occur most often due to the fact that the shoes are too coarse or are not properly matched. Corn does not represent a great danger to health, however, is able to deliver a lot of inconvenience and pain. Before you start a battle with them you …

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Ferret knocked the Large hadron Collider for a few days

Our cute little brothers often become the cause of big problems. The large hadron Collider, the world’s most powerful particle accelerator, was incapacitated by a ferret in the night from Thursday to Friday. Engineers are studying the cause of the shutdown of the reactor-giant, found the charred remains of an …

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Three days before the May 2

In Odessa attracts all the nationalist hordes – “Azov”, “the Right Sector, auto-Maidan and Euro-Maidan, all those who have turned the once humble but prosperous Ukraine into a nightmare and horror! As a resident of Kiev, I understand and imagine what is happening now in Odessa, if we in Kiev …

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Financial problems of DAYS

For the first time since the beginning of anti-terrorist operations in Syria and Iraq appeared indisputable evidence of serious financial problems on the territory controlled by DAYS. This situation is primarily the result of air strikes on the places of oil extraction, and cash stores that use terrorists. Oil production …

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DAYS collect bombs from selling in Turkey, Iraq and USA components

The experts of the London-based Conflict Armament Research came to the conclusion. the militants of the terrorist organization “Islamic state” construct bombs from components that are freely sold in 20 countries. Including China, Japan, USA, Iraq, Turkey and others. This conclusion experts have made, after studying more than 700 components …

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