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Life hack: get rid of blisters in 3 days

Лайфхак: избавляемся от мозолей за 3 дняOn his feet calluses occur most often due to the fact that the shoes are too coarse or are not properly matched.

Corn does not represent a great danger to health, however, is able to deliver a lot of inconvenience and pain.

Before you start a battle with them you must handle them with a pumice stone or a special brush. Slightly breaking the top layer, will be able to provide a greater degree of penetration of the simple, but effective medicines.

1. Garlic cream

Razdelyaet 3-4 cloves of garlic, mix them with olive oil and the remedy is ready! Applying the ointment every day before going to sleep (for convenience, you can use a gauze bandage). After 3-5 days, the corn will become soft, easy and painless to separate from healthy skin.

2. White vinegar

Skachivaem a cotton swab in vinegar and pripasaem it to the affected skin area for 2-3 hours. Repeat the procedure several times until there is no further pain. At the end of the course, it will be easy to remove the corn using the tools for a pedicure.

3. Chamomile water

Insist chamomile in water for 4-5 hours (a ratio of 4 tbsp. l. chamomile, 1 liter of water). The resulting infusion pour into a small container, immerse the foot. The procedure is repeated during the week, once a day.

4. Onion grater

Cut a small onion and RUB her toes. The procedure is best done before bed, repeat in 3-5 days.

5. Lemon yellow

Every night you need to tie a piece of lemon to the corn and to leave the bandage on for the night. Already after 2 days felt great relief, and after 4-5 you can remove the corn.

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