Home / Science and technology / Surgeon from Italy spoke about the details of future operations for head transplant

Surgeon from Italy spoke about the details of future operations for head transplant


Preparing for the first transplant of the patient’s head to the donor body is in full swing. The neurosurgeon from Italy Sergio Canavero, which has stated its willingness to transplant, has released several publications, where he shared details of the forthcoming operation, features combat the effects of the intervention, and said that he will help the Russian scientists.

Хирург из Италии рассказал о деталях будущей операции по пересадке головы

In the opinion of the Italian, Russian doctors are interested to obtain the materials to conduct such an operation, which will allow them to overtake China. According to him, scientists from Russia have done a lot to protect brain transplant. As reported Canavero, the main difficulty in conducting such an operation is the inability to directly attach the head to the body is to perform all manipulations, surgeons need to be at least half an hour.

The human brain is able to maintain life without oxygen and nutrients within a few minutes, so scientists had to think seriously about this problem. In the end, the Chinese counterpart Canavero Zhen Xiaoping proposed to cool the head a few degrees and connect it to the circulatory system of another person, thereby allowing access of oxygen to the brain.

His oxygen supply during the operation is planned to use a substance called perftoran – it was developed by Russian doctors. Today Canavero and his team are training to do a head transplant on the corpses, moreover, the same manipulation they performed on animals.

Surgery person scheduled for December 2017. This risky experiment agreed Russian programmer Vitaly Spiridonov, who suffers from muscular dystrophy.

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