Home / Business / Star of the TV series “Voronin” Stanislav Doinikov lost 60 kilograms

Star of the TV series “Voronin” Stanislav Doinikov lost 60 kilograms

kinopoisk, vk.com/id17203500

43-year-old Stanislav Doinikov known for the role of Laziness in the TV series “Voronin”. The artist has always been distinguished by impressive forms, and its great weight could not be better useful for the role of the elder brother Voronin. The audience is used to seeing his large and clumsy, but now his huge belly is not gone.


Over the last year Stanislav has lost 60 pounds! The secret of an actor is simple — sports and proper nutrition.


“I love a variety of food, but calories think. And not just calories. Must be balanced with all the proteins, fats, carbohydrates, vitamins and amino acids. And 60 pounds of extra weight I have now lost due to physical stress and nutrition”, — quotes the edition Doinikova “TV”.


Stanislav disagree with the opinion that healthy food cannot be tasty. The main thing — correctly to prepare, says the actor.

Станислав в сериале "Воронины"

Теперь от его огромного живота не осталось и следа

Актер похудел на 60 килограммов

Дужников с коллегами по сериалу

Станислав Дужников Фото: kinopoisk, instagram.com/stas_duzhnikov,

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