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Sony teaches you how to use the PlayStation VR

Sony учит, как обращаться с PlayStation VRThe company has prepared a visual guide in three parts.

Virtual reality headsets are very different from the devices to which we are accustomed in everyday life. It is not just the amount of money needed to buy the device, but to install from the launch.

Sony is well aware of the difficulties that may face the buyers of the PlayStation VR. Therefore, the company has prepared a visual guide in three parts. Will tell you what’s included, how to connect the helmet to the PlayStation 4 and how to use it, not to accidentally tear the whole room and not to hurt her beloved little dog.

The last video is especially important (and not just because of the doggie). Sony talks about the details, about which you probably didn’t know. For example, how much space do I need to release in front of the TV, as extraneous light sources affecting the operation of the device and whether to wear a helmet directly into the PlayStation VR points if you’re unlucky vision.

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