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Slim gaming characters help to keep the shape

Стройные персонажи компьютерных игр помогают сохранить фигуру

Researchers from the University of California found: players, creating a thin virtual characters, play sports and stay in good shape often those whose characters are obese. Scientists suggest that the characters of the games can cause people to be more active, reports Zee News.

Experts conducted an experiment. Volunteers played virtual tennis. Among participants randomly assigned virtual characters and enemies male with normal weight or obesity. In General, the character and enemy were the same. Scientists have only changed their mass by setting different Indices of Body Mass index (BMI).

A character with a normal weight BMI is 18.6, and the character of obese is 32.1. The study showed that the volunteers, who played for the slender characters, increased level of physical activity compared to those whose characters were obese. The results did not depend on the BMI of participants.

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