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Six easy ways to curb your appetite

Шесть простых способов усмирить аппетитHow to reduce appetite, not limiting themselves to the food.

Weight between you and your dream is an irresistible desire to eat?

Do not worry – we can suggest several effective ways to reduce the appetite, not limiting themselves to the food.

Start the morning with a glass of water

And don’t forget to drink a glass of warm water before each meal. It fills your stomach, but because the feeling of satiety you will need less food. Try to give preference to warm water without gas (carbonated can cause stomach pain, while cold water increases the appetite.

Backup salad
If you’re there in the night, try in this case to always keep in the refrigerator for something useful and easy – for example, vegetable salad without mayonnaise So easily and quickly metabolized without spoiling you neither sleep, neither metabolism nor figure.

The right products
Remember: chicken, whole grain bread (or bread), soups and green vegetables will help to reduce appetite.

Cunning kitchenware
Optical illusions are also a good tool to combat obesity. So, for example, dishes bright colorings, especially the blue color reduces appetite. In addition, try to eat from small plates.

Eat 5 times a day in small portions or divide food into three main reception and two snacks.

Come out for a walk. If you want to eat, go outside and take in the fresh air for at least 10-15 minutes. And when you come back, drink a glass of warm water and eat your salad back.

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