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How to eat bread, not to gain weight

Как правильно есть хлеб, чтобы не набирать весWhen the girl decides it’s time to lose weight, it is, as a rule, immediately refused the bread.

Tasty bread with a crispy crust beckons, even if you are on a diet.

And you put a lot of effort to refrain from baking any bread, so as not to harm the figure.

In fact, it is not necessary. You can eat bread without gaining weight. Nutritionists even recommend it to those who follow figure: good bread contains valuable plant proteins and carbohydrates, b vitamins, potassium, magnesium, zinc, phosphorus, calcium and selenium.

Just need to know what bread to choose and how and what it is.

What kind of bread to choose

In white bread from refined flour, very little protein, and carbohydrates mostly fast – those that are quickly converted to glucose and stored in fat. This bread is especially harmful to children, people with low glucose tolerance, patients with diabetes mellitus.

Surges of insulin in the blood, which causes the consumption of white bread, make you hungry half an hour after eating. Why nutritionists advocate a rye and whole wheat bread (protein, vitamins and minerals are much greater than in other varieties). But for those who are on a diet for weight loss, a calorie of bread.

See also: Eating and not getting better: how to eat bread

Per 100 grams of product, different types of bread contains the following calories:

White bread flour – 300 kcal
White bread with bran – 250-270 kcal
Rye bread is 180-190 kcal
Whole wheat bread 160-180 kcal

A standard slice of bread weighs about 30 grams a day nutritionists recommend to eat up to 150 grams of bread from wheat flour.

The density of the bread speaks of his quality. On the one hand, a well baked bread should be soft, and after pressing return to his original form. But two loaves of the same size can have different weights. If the bread is very light, airy, it indicates the use of a large amount of baking powder in the manufacturing process. Air bake bread only from wheat flour, and if you can see this bread is dark in color, so, such it was due to the dye.

Can the yeast in bread to harm the figure

Question unleavened bread became important relatively recently. But does real harm yeast for intestinal and figures? The fact that a properly baked bread does not contain live yeast: they just die from heat, like all living organisms. But yeast bread is additionally enriched in zinc and iron.

Unleavened bread is always more expensive, because the technology of making it more complex. But according to doctors, advertising of this product as more healthy, not more than a marketing ploy.

When and what to eat bread

The main portion of bread is recommended to eat in the morning. Then the calories will be used for the benefit, but you will have enough energy during the day. In the evening to drink tea with a sandwich is also acceptable, but let it be one sandwich with cheese or butter.

A better because eating all the bread out of habit. If you will monitor this process to keep a normal weight will become much easier.

Potatoes, pasta, cereals, rice is best eaten without bread. Moreover, these products are interchangeable.

The bread is relevant with first courses, salads, steamed vegetables, milk products. Crispy bread with milk can cause flatulence.

No need to raise the glycemic index of bread, spreading jam or chocolate spread. Sweet bread you will eat much more, and appetite in an hour is just brutal.

Lean meat and fish it is possible to eat without bread. Animal proteins are better digestible together with green vegetables, tomatoes, herbs.

If you take sandwiches to work, choose whole grain bread. But if you have no choice, add a sandwich, a green salad, cabbage leaf. It is better to take any sandwich than to do without it. Indeed, the lack of lunch or afternoon snack significantly complicate your weight loss.

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